Serious at the start to get airborne but at the core of its cockpit Aero Dancing does a very tidy blend of airplane sim and arcade action. The replay feature is very satisfying especially when a spy plane is taken down with pin point precision. The textures and aural effects are top drawer too.
A fine early version of the series that gives pilots a good grounding by requesting them to jump through hoops, well at least fly through as various manoeuvres must be mastered to progress. Great planes physics and gameplay that gives you wings.
Full on cockpit view to cause a bit of a potential for motion sickness: not quite of the proportions of the Gloc 360 arcade machine. The game blends arcade spills with a bit more gumption required than just trigger finger blasting in order to progress with the on screen hairline and overall presentation giving a good sense of piloting a lethal flying machine.
A tribute to Tokyo’s brightest district that lights up to the God of neon and is full of devotees to all things PVC and video game related. This title used the sadly defunct Dreamcast net to allow players customized characters to battle it out about all things a good otaku should know. Clever use of the systems VMU too. Full title Akihabara Dennou Kumi Peta Pies!
Violent realisation of the manga world with good pacing and nice presentation. One almighty sword makes this the mother of all hack and slash titles complete with soundtrack fit for slaying.
A plethora of zany mini games based on the various Bikkuriman characters. Not the most cerebral title, but plenty of frolics on offer if party game complations float your gaming boat.
Beautifully illustrated in a more pencil drawn style to reflect the artist protagonist as he goes about his craft drawing an old friend who becomes a bit closer.
Coming with J Pop soundtrack with lyrics as sweet as the in game anime characters comes the gorgeously animated Comic Party. Playing your cards with care ensures the game engine doesn’t come back to bite you.
Sega does Bond with some fine tongue in cheek humour as you choose from two sleek spies to take out the bad guys in a flurry of trigger finger action in classic light gun style. Has a few moments to interrupt the trigger happy action though, such as a chance to shoot a key or bunging up a toxic gas leak which keep you on your toes and alter the games course. Not too many gun games on the DC making this one to really savour especially in two player mode.
Intriguing twist on the rhythm action style of game with J Pop music that adjusts to your skill level. Protaganists Amp and Spica must dance their way through the colourful Cool Cool Town using their dancing skills to appease yellow werewolves and diffuse bombs. Gameplay is similar to Space Channel 5 and Neo Geo Pocket link up is possible in this last import only SNK release for the Dreamcast. This link up lets you unlock instruments in the Pocket version which can then be used in the Dreamcast version
The original D represented a key period in gaming history before the 3DO went critical, without which would we have had Silent Hill or Biohazard? Kenji Eno san delves into the dreaded “Interactive Movie” genre but the results are no early CD rom dirge. Disturbed and depraved survival horror from the Canadian outlands.
Real bumper Dreamcast Edition featuring the tracks from the original plus the second mix. Its not all cheese though with some real foot tapping, toe twisting tracks.
Real bumper Dreamcast Edition featuring the tracks from the original plus the second mix. Its not all cheese though with some real foot tapping, toe twisting tracks.
Sequel to the Saturn title improving on the graphics as the camera twists and turns away for you to face a fresh batch of gun fodder. With a story mode following on from the prequel and an arcade mode for the trigger happy.
Or Lets Make a Race Horse as the popular Sega Sports series changes from baseball and football to breeding and training a derby winner. Strangely compelling as you build up the race tracks to the most prestigious of courses.
Or Lets Make a Race Horse as the popular Sega Sports series changes from baseball and football to breeding and training a derby winner. Strangely compelling as you build up the race tracks to the most prestigious of courses.
Cat girls and third dimensions are the staple of the Digi Charat world where the player must recover from amnesia in order to establish whats going on and more importantly, which NPCs to get along with.
For the completist only as the Dreamcast online servers are now down making this email and web server of curio value only. Though there is a nice looking Shenmue picture postcard amongst others available recommending itself to thr true Sega aficionado.
One for the collectors with the networks sadly defunct. Yet it delivered to a gaming public the happy days of chat with fellow Dc users, email, the additional contents of Dricas, the Dreamcast Home Page and of course those epic PSO battles and friendships.
A feisty demo disk with playable samples of Cool Boarders Burrrn, Shutoko Battle, Sonic Adventure International, Soul Calibur and Chu Chu Rocket. Also featured are movie demos of Shenmue, Space Channel 5, Dream Flyer, Virtua Striker 2 and Seaman.
A feisty demo disk with playable samples of Cool Boarders Burrrn, Shutoko Battle, Sonic Adventure International, Soul Calibur and Chu Chu Rocket. Also featured are movie demos of Shenmue, Space Channel 5, Dream Flyer, Virtua Striker 2 and Seaman.
A trial of Cool Boarders, plus interviews with Capcom chief and Atlus Maken X expert. VMU data for Kanipan, the ubiquitous present and introductions to Shenmue, Soul Calibur, Espionagents amongst others. Nice collectable for the Dreamcast devotee.
A tidy demo disk and collectable that came with the ‘Dori Maga’ or Dreamcast Magazine and includes demos of Mr. Driller, Zusar Vasar, Derby Tsuku and a movie of Jet Set Radio plus original Sega Game anime.
Full of Sega’s arcade prowess making it to the DC via the Model 2 arcade board with a few cosmetic enhancements. Multiple routes are possible but this is just like its Hollywood counterpart Die Hard in that action comes above all else.
Capcom had big plans for the Eldorado series with a monthly release for seven volumes. Unfortunately this old school RPG never saw light of day in the West.
Capcom had big plans for the Eldorado series with a monthly release for seven volumes. Unfortunately this old school RPG never saw light of day in the West.
Stunningly pretty RPG really hits its stride and was worthy of far greater attention. Capcom really put the hard yards into this series and its clear here why it has its dedicated aficionados.