
Here we have all the games in the Playstation Section.
Shoot Em Up
Tribute to Dezaemon as gamers get to become construction kings of the 3D shooter. The ultimate dream of fans of the genre from Star Fox to Star Blade. Now its possible to prove you could do it better.
The key to a balanced development is good rail links allowing budding planners to be able to import in the materials needed to build a brimming metropolis and plenty of leisure facilities for the dwellers to unwind in.
The key to a balanced development is good rail links allowing budding planners to be able to import in the materials needed to build a brimming metropolis and plenty of leisure facilities for the dwellers to unwind in. This Global version sees players take their railroad to the whole wide world.
Big in Japan with its addictive blend of railroad building and city development. Good rail infrastructure allows you to ship in raw materials to expand the city and build hotels or ski resorts. But a well planned passenger network in the key to success. Part five introduces full 3D for the ultimate in urban planning.
One on One Beat Em Up
Battle mode where you can take on anyone or Story mode full of scene setting cinematics where you play as Yuka chan. Very tasty graphics improving over the Super Famicom prequel. Also includes special moves that can only be utilised when on your last legs, evening up one sided bouts.
A skydiving game which allows participants to remain air born longer than rival divers by pulling off dare devil tricks. The victorious diver is the one who pulls the rip cord last – thus the diver who has performed most stunts. In game tricks are graded according to their complexity with the real big ones requiring a few successful combos to grind to a near in-air halt. The game produces a good sense of velocity as players hurtle back towards earth.
ine interpretation of Ridley Scot’s dark, organic world full of aliens with acid for blood. Moves very well, but not as fast as Genki when one of those critters scurries after us.
Chooses to go with the 16 Bit RPG sprite-based world and looking very dapper for it. The exploration action also seems to also take a leaf out of Zeldas manual (or a feather out of his cap) with enjoyable three quarter perspective romps around the platform levels swishing ones sword.
Romance and adventure all set to a typical game music (like you get lift music, apart from game music) and an imperial, fantasy setting: think Heroic Legend of Arslan anime. Ticks all the right boxes and a popular series that spanned onto the PCFX and Sega Saturn.
Set in real life modern day Japan, you must guide accident victim Hitomi, not playing as her, but as the voice in her head. Its important to not lead her astray or she’ll stop listening to you. Beautifully realised in FMV, Square once again comes up trumps whilst changing the rules of the game.
A Bit Special
Successful series which enjoyed an update to the PS3 as players build up their reef with different species of fish. Swimming with the stingrays and clown fish is a relaxing pastime.
The rendered sprites look a treat keeping that affinity to the characters which the 16bit RPGs used to generate. Arc is a bit of a lad, but the scrapes encountered make him worth sticking by.
Plenty of pomp and circumstance to this epic RPG which entails good use of skills to progress through the turn based combat.
Massive title in Japan as the driver steers a massive truck against a rival firm to be the first to deliver the consignment. The ‘Battle’ of the title comes from the dirty tricks required to cut off the rival driver to win the race. The ‘Art’ comes from the delightful designs that can be added to the truck with a few bob in your pocket complete with flashing chilli lights for the dashboard – a sign of good taste on the highways of Japan. Creative truckers can also spend some time creating their own designs. Full title: ‘Bakusou Dekotora Densetsu: Art Truck Battle.’
Takes a turn based strategic approach to mecha warfare (similar to Front Mission) as opposed to the previous clunky metal shoot ’em ups. Keep an eye on your soldiers for signs of overheating and short circuiting through the cockpit view. Well animated and pretty presentation of the intercom conversations and cut scenes.
Takes a turn based strategic approach to mecha warfare (similar to Front Mission) as opposed to the previous clunky metal shoot ’em ups. Keep an eye on your soldiers for signs of overheating and short circuiting through the cockpit view. Well animated and pretty presentation of the intercom conversations and cut scenes.
Turn based strategy combat making use of the hardware’s 3D capabilities as the space ships are spun and flipped around in the search for weaknesses, like a hardware demo itself.
The prequel to the yellow label ‘Bakuretsu Hunter R’ is a lot tamer, but still plenty to recommend here to anime fans.
A dream football title that takes the beautiful game to new heights with its brilliant special moves. Each team has a trick that can be used to help in attack or defence based on their nationality. For example the Scandinavian teams can change player into a hulking Viking boat or the Brazilians can change into the Christ the Redeemer statue to temporarily block a path to goal. The special meter must be sufficiently charged preventing over use of these special attributes, but it adds a lot to a very slick play engine to leave even the mighty Winning Eleven on the seat of its pants.
Out of Stock
Fans of the Jaguar CD may be as rare as the snow leopard, but those familiar with the add on may recognise this as Baddies given a Japanese make over by Banpresto. Players control little bald dudes within their own world in a fun simulation that certainly cant be accused of taking itself too seriously.
Enjoy an anime sports day with swimming, cycling, running events all presented in a high school setting with lead role going to Akari chan. The game takes place over the whole school term with plenty of distractions to keep players interested.
The original, the one, the only… Show you got riddum in the comfort of your own home. Strangly addictive in a Parappa the Rapper stylie.
Twenty tracks covering a variety of styles from J Pop to Drum and Bass and some fresh from the streets visuals make this one to savour for the Beatmania cool cats.
Genki recalls the millennium and the crowds a fine practitioner of Beatmania could pull as players tap and scratched their way to DJ-ing glory. Not that we ever had much rhythm, but back in the day we could certain toe tap with Shinjuku’s game centre’s finest.
The beat goes on with this funky update from those cool cats at Konami with some sublime, psychedelic visuals to distract you from keeping in sync with the tune. The Japanese DJ-ing equivalent of Smashy and Nicey seem to have snuck in there too, along with some tougher tracks to make this a very tidy update.
16bit style exploration of the gaming world spliced with Guardian Heroes style 3D sprites for the turn based combat with dramatic spell effects and swooping camera angles.
Fine ball physics and interesting characters to play against, including the Train Spotting look a like Timothy. Players must be wary of getting hustled when greenbacks are on the table. Not sure what Ronnie would make of the fast-paced soundtrack between shots mind.
The fear returns as Raccoon City is overrun by brain munching zombies. The execution is impeccable as the subtle sounds of footsteps on broken glass or the groan of a zombie unleash the sort of psychological terror only really found in the likes of Silent Hill.
Capcom attained a very high standard of graphical excellence on the Playstation having honed its survival horror teeth on the other platforms first. Bursting out of the confines of the mansion, Capcom takes the series in a bold direction in terms of gameplay too as players wander through the streets to the overrun police station and uninhabitable hospital listening out for munching zombies and the irrepressible Nemesis. Shenmue style split second decision moments induce the fear of God into even the most rock steady of gamers as the players plight hit news lows. Atmospheric and spooky – its like we’ve never been away.
Takes a new look at the Resident Evil empire by placing you in a first person shooter scenario charging around the various zombie and rabid dog infested locales from the series. The musical score gives a sense of foreboding and sure enough a Romero reject is never too far away from lunging at you.

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