Batsugun Saturn Tribute Boosted (Limited Edition) (New) (Preorder File) - City Connection - Switch


Batsugun Saturn Tribute Boosted (Limited Edition) (New) (Preorder File)

Wonderful to have the shooter torch passed on burning so brightly. Its just a shame you are not given a split second to appreciate the detailed sprites and parallax layers. And it is a shame you might wish for the absent slowdown in some levels such is the frantic pace of the on screen onslaught. Five levels of mayhem: please remember to keep an eye out for the pigs that need rescuing.

Brand new. Japanese, English, Korean or Chinese options. Limited edition comes with fan book and soundtrack. Also comes with preorder file.

Publisher: City Connection
Game Type: Shoot Em Up
Console: Switch

Japanese release - may only work with Japanese hardware.

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