Frequently Asked Questions

Some common questions we are often asked

Q. Are the games boxed with instructions?
A. Almost all the games on our site are boxed and with instructions as standard. If either of these was missing it would be mentioned in the title of the game. In the ‘Info’ section there is a description of any extras that come with the game (ie registration card, spine card, sticker sheet, map etc.) along with any damage to the game (ie manual crease, sun fade etc.) So if there is nothing mentioned, the game is boxed, with instructions and in good condition.

Q. What is this ‘Backorder’ mark mean?
A. If the ‘Buy’ button isn’t available for your desired title, it has recently sold out. If you click on the ‘Backorder’ text, a pop up will allow you to enter your email address. Then, as soon as we have located more stock, we will send you an email letting you know your desired title is once again available for purchase. It may also be advisable to email us so we can order your desired title straight away. There is no obligation to buy if you no longer require the title when we email you back with news of more stock. However please note that prices of retro games fluctuate and whilst we will endeavour to get the title at the price you have backordered it for, all prices are subject to change.

Q. I ordered some games and now they’re all on ‘Backorder’… Is everything alright?
A. Our stock removal system is automatic therefore as soon as an order is paid for, the games will be taken off the site. Should that have happened to have been the last copy of the game that you ordered, it will then show up as on backorder if it is no longer in stock.

Q. Do the games come with spine and registration cards?
A. A lot of the games we sell do contain both their spine and registration cards. But unfortunately not all of them. (However all new titles are of course complete…) Please check the INFO: section on the product desciption to check. Generally we find the condition of Japanese second hand games much better than the condition of second hand UK games. Must be something to do with throwing objects around being taboo in Japan… Shame that doesn’t apply to our office joypads! But sourcing our games direct from Japan does mean they are in very good condition. We are collectors ourselves and understand the need for a perfect copy.

Q. What’s this PC Engine all about?
A. Please check out our guide to Nec’s baby here.
PC Engine Compatibility Guide

Q. I have been searching for (Tasty Title), but can’t see it on your site. Can you obtain a copy?
A. We love to help complete collections here at Genki being collectors ourselves. Please feel free to email us your wish list or fill in a Customer Request and we’ll do our utmost to obtain them. Please also include your spine and registration card requirements (ie with spine and registration card only or just spine card will suffice etc.) where appropriate. We have encountered countless, collectible and obscure titles including the Special Version’s of Bomberman 93, Gunhed and Final Soldier, some Hacker titles also on the PC Engine that made us blush (^^), a prize version of Bangaio on the Dreamcast limited to the top five high scorers, the mythical Gundam for the Virtual Boy, Super Mario Brothers special collector’s version of the Game & Watch, Cotton 2 with cup for the Saturn…

Q. Will (Game no Title) run on my (System no Name)?
A. Please refer to our ‘Compatibilty Guide’ for enlightenment.

Compatibility Guide
“Everybody should import. It’s as simple as that.” Retro Gamer Vol.II, Issue 6.

In their eternal wisdom, gaming companies find it necessary to add ‘regional protection’ to their consoles. Basically, this means a console will initially check after being booted up that the software inserted is from the correct regional area. These regional areas come in three main blocks: Japan, America and Europe. Asian software fits into the Japanese block in terms of region. Genki believes gamers should be free to play the software they want, not merely what the corporate boards decide to release in their region. Nor should gamers have to wait months, possibly years, for the release of killer app, triple-A software in their region. A classic title will always travel well, transcending cultural boundaries and regional block out. And recent trends suggest that unfortunately it is not merely the quirkier titles that aren’t being released in all regions.

Hardware Compatibilty
Power supplies vary between the regions, so imported consoles may require a step down convertor. The power supply in Japan is 110volts. The Japanese and American TV standard is the NTSC system which runs at 60Hz, so those playing imported titles in a PAL regions such as Europe and Australia which run at 50Hz, will also need an NTSC compatible TV. Most modern TV’s carry this NTSC capacity, usually listed in the manufacturer’s guide. Due to the differing refresh rates between the two regions, PAL region gamers are often sadly treated to third world conversions running slower than their NTSC versions. So enjoy our fine array of NTSC software! (Although the situation has improved somewhat post – Dreamcast.) As a final word, connection of an NTSC machine to a PAL region TV will require a composite lead. Most NTSC compatible TV’s should have the necessary red, white and yellow colour coded composite connectors. An alternative connector maybe available in the form of an RGB (Red Green Blue) scart cable. But as the composite cable is the default lead of consoles in Japan, it is available for use with all software.

Software Compatibilty
Handheld Systems
Thankfully all handheld systems lack regional protection, so any title can be enjoyed on any system. The acceptions to the rule are the PC Engine GT/LT and Sega Nomad which are effectively, for regional protection purposes, the same as their bigger brothers and will only play software of the appropriate region, unless used in conjunction with a convertor.

The PSP has also thankfully proved free of regional protection as far as the software goes. The same does not apply to the UMD films though.

Using a DC-X convertor regional protection can be bypassed. The DC-X is a CD which is booted up then allowing you to insert your desired import title. Simple!

Sega Saturn
Inserting a convertor into the cartridge slot turns the ST Key to open up the import world to Saturn aficiondos. The cartridge slot is required for extra Ram cartridges in very rare occassions. Such software is clearly marked in the game info.

The Freeloader disk allows GameCube owners to enjoy a plethora of Japanese only titles. Like any boot disk, the Freeloader tricks the GameCube into thinking it has a disk of native region inside thanks to the clever programmers at Datel.

Right then, listen up! The PS3 titles have so far been region free meaning US titles will play on a Japanese machine. Unfortunately a Japanese PS3 will only play Japanese PS2 and Playstation games however. With regards movies the Japanese PS3 belongs to Blu Ray Group A along with America and Asia and DVD group 2 along with the UK and Europe. Is that clear now?!

The Japanese Wii will only play Japanese Wii and Gamecube titles.

Unfortunately Genki knows of no safe way to play imported software on these systems other than owning a Japanese machine to play Japanese games. Therefore Japanese titles will not run on a PAL or American console. There was a rumour about a ‘Blue Tac’ trick for older model Playstations, but Genki would leave the Blue Tac to the Motion Gravure advertising posters adorning the office walls.

PC Engine
PC Engine CD’s will play on an American Turbo Grafx without any boot CD or a degree in soldering being required. The only problem area is trying to play Arcade Duo games due to the Arcade Card being required. The bad news is HU Cards are not directly compatible with an American Turbo Grafx and require a convertor to run. PC Engine Hu Card convertors are proving trickier and trickier to hunt down.

N64/Super Famicom
The difference between Japanese and American carts was purely in shape for both of these consoles meaning a simple bridge adaptor is required to over come these size differences. To play NTSC software on a PAL machine requires a different type of convertor with the regional code being read from the the domestic cart and the import cart sitting in the back as in the N64 compatible Ultra 64 SFX or Universal Games Adaptor also for the Nintendo 64.

Mega Drive/Mega CD/32X
The Mega Drive also requires a convertor to play imported titles. Although the region lock out code was programmed on to the carts, not in the machine and some early titles lacked this regional protection code, the problem is that Japanese cartridges are bigger than the American and PAL equivalents meaning that they won’t fit into the cartridge slot of USA/PAL machines. Convertors are also available for the Mega CD, though are quite uncommon.

Neo Geo AES/CD
Japanese Neo Geo AES/CD software title will run on any system from any region. Good old SNK!

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