Here we have all the games in the PS2 Section.
Mysterious MMORPG except that it isn’t online but just created to feel like it is with masses of players and emailed updates. And the sci fi feel is very cleverly done. The Hack story is based on Hackers into the main computer and the game features plenty of conspiracy and double – crossing that have seen the series snowball into an underground gaming phenomena.
Mysterious MMORPG except that it isn’t online but just created to feel like it is with masses of players and emailed updates. And the sci fi feel is very cleverly done. The Hack story is based on Hackers into the main computer and the game features plenty of conspiracy and double – crossing that have seen the series snowball into an underground gaming phenomena.
Mysterious MMORPG except that it isn’t online but just created to feel like it is with masses of players and emailed updates. And the sci fi feel is very cleverly done. The Hack story is based on Hackers into the main computer and the game features plenty of conspiracy and double – crossing that have seen the series snowball into an underground gaming phenomena.
Phantasy Star Online style RPG action as Bandai’s own baby leads you by the hand to get to grips with the combat system. This bumper pack contains the first two games in the popular series.
One on One Beat Em Up
Ever thought you could better design the characters and moves in a fight title? This gives budding designers the chance to build their own fighters with mystery special moves. It also includes Enter Brains own pugilists for those happy to look for a bit of inspiration first.
Enjoying success on the N64 Acclaim brought its happy hitting baseball game to the PS2 with an enormous polygon count bringing out impressive levels of realism. Yet the gameplay hedges more towards the big sluggers than other baseball titles with plenty of home run potential. Not every other hit though, but the balance is just right to keep that special big hit feel. Players faces have some great expressions helping get involved in the games up and down emotions.
Each wrestler makes a dramatic introduction complete with visual razzmatazz to get the adrenalin flowing pre-bout. Plenty of care and attention has been laden on the gameplay rather than just on each wrestler’s persona making for a fluid grapple. Square’s RPG eye for detail remains firmly intact with spots of blood remaining in the same place during the bout. And as innovatively as ever the controls are implemented by the analogue sticks making pulling off a special an achievement rather than a piece of cake adding much reward to a victory.
Massive battles and ginormous towering mecha that dwarf certain robots make this a must for the Macross or Gundam fan. Expertly executed gaming world with devastating weaponry to help rip it up. Vast variety of mecha and missions with some unlockable make this a titanium top tip for the import enthusiast.
Based on the John Woo film from Shiro’s (Ghost in a Shell) inspired manga with a futuristic setting and lots of mad cyborgs. The cut sequences are Hollywood production quality and the Sega run and gun gameplay is all very high octane and in fitting with the series.
Based on a Japanese CG animation show, Aqua Kids does a formidable job of replicating the show’s distinct look which is similar to a Dreamworks production. There are two modes of play: a battle mode where players take on all comers and a quest mode where players search for the parts missing from your robot friend Daibo. Colourful action title.
Humans and Deimos (evolved from monsters) battle for the five spirit stones and play is possible from either camp. Painstakingly lush graphics bring the fantasy to life.
Its surprising how intuitive controlling a massive mecha can become and, with a good range of movements to master, players soon can strafe with the finest before unleashing a powerful rocket into an opponents mid rift.
Tactical battle simulation full of truly super robots utilising the Gundam and Votoms licenses. Players choose their moves and the heaving hulks of metal play out the moves in dramatic fashion with some sleek, retro avatars of the human pilots. Must have for mecha heads.
Capcom utilises its cel shaded sprites for the gaming world and combat giving this a retro chic feel to the fabulous looking battles complete with obligatory, over-the-top, outlandish special moves. Looks like a retro Ghibli anime.
One on One Beat Em Up
New meets old as stylish anime speed lines are spliced with traditional pilgrim hats, baggy, monk trousers all set to tatami mats and with atmospheric rain downpours. Some serious special moves that can blast your opponent across the entire, and sometimes lengthy, arenas. Great blend of action and specials spiced up with some sumptuous anime.
One on One Beat Em Up
Cracking fight title with clear, arcade style arrows making sure players know which one their fighter is in the middle of a melee. Four player bouts are a real scream, but the multi player action works just as well alone adding an extra dimension to the bout in having to keep an eye firmly focused on opponent fighters. The anime license adds a real varnish of classy sheen to an already well polished, triple A title.
A shift from the usual fisticuffs as players explore a Japanese town with a heady mix of traditional martial arts, high school students and talking lion teddy bears. Subtitled Hanatareshi Yabou.
Based on the breath taking anime with high school heroine’s Saya vampire slaying and incredible production values and tall shadows, this first part of two is a fitting tribute to the animes epoch setting production values. Treats players to sections of incredibly detailed anime and at various injunctions you must choose a course of action with multiples routes and outcomes.
Out of Stock
Based on the breath taking anime with high school heroine’s Saya vampire slaying and incredible production values, this second part of two is perfectly playable without owning the first. Treats players to sections of incredibly detailed anime and at various injunctions you must choose a course of action with multiples routes and outcomes.
Refreshingly original title playing most like a rhythm action titles except this time players take the role of a conductor about the town. As in a rhythm action title such as Samba De Amigo, the backgrounds shift according to players performance so the conductor soon knows if they are hitting the right notes. Rather than simple button presses though, the degree of pressure applied is the important factor in keeping the orchestra together. Bravo indeed. Known as Mad Maestro in the West.
The buildings demolition business may be under represented in the console world but there remains a bed partner to Biru Baku in Bomber Hehhe on the Dreamcast. Gameplay involves using the limited amount of TNT efficiently enough to take down the building – a case of planning and placing dynamite in the right formation. Its possible to move back a couple of spots in order to correct poorly planned moves – that is before the big plunger gets pressed. Battle mode allows multi-player match ups with the first to take the building down winning the kudos. There is also a challenge mode which requires players to keep within the strict time limits, though using less moves or sticks of dynamite rewards the demolition expert with a few precious extra seconds for the next level. Part of the ‘Neo Trance Puzzle Game’ genre according to the cover.
Cinema style presentation meets gaming in this slash ’em up title starring J Pop star Gackt set in a mythical Chinese world. Slicing bamboo forests and Gackt’s character Lau’s Chinese swordplay particularly stand out.
A Bit Special
The line up speaks for itself with three versions of the 194X series, Son Son, Higemaru, three versions of Ghouls and Ghosts, Vulgus, Exed Exes, three versions of Street Fighter II, both sequel and prequel of Commando, Gun Smoke, Forgotten Worlds, Final Fight, Section Z, Top Secret, arcade shooter Legendary Wings and Trojan. Happy days.
Frees Master Belmont up in the third dimension to be able to take on all and sundry from the fourth dimension in spiffing Gothic splendour. The 3D perspective also allows the combat to come to the fore more than leaps of faith from platform to platform, whip lassoing chandeliers as Simon goes.
Highly original in the choice of helicopter that must be piloted to dowse city fires and rescue pregnant ladies, gentlemen and even dogs on roofs. Not too sure how they get on the roof on some occasions, but no time for such superfluous questions when on missions where time is of the essence.
An expansive, open world to charge through with sword drawn for the non-stop, relentless battle action. The code theme makes for a Matrix style changing game world with Square Enix kicking loose and relishing bashing a few skulls.
Enjoy a rack of pool or billiards with the expert help of Miss Keiko Yukawa, 15 times Japan Open Champion available in training mode.
Brilliant PS2
A more modern gaming genre in the shape of a game aimed at ladies dating. Plenty of bishonen style young men to chat to in this visual novel.
Capcom revisitings its old school Final Fight mechanics as you fight through the various dungeons to reach the boss in reassuringly familiar style. But the environs are as stylish as the three in game characters each with their own particular expertise in martial arts. An all action, ‘fighting RPG’ full of thrills.
Solve the mystery of why Chief O’Leary is determined to stop boarders on Mount Garrick conveniently through nothing more than snowboarding down the mountain mission.

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