Sakura Wars (Missing Bonus Disk) - Sega - Dreamcast


Sakura Wars (Missing Bonus Disk)

Showcasing all that is popular in these sim games: love interest, beautiful graphics and of course a few fights along the way. The new gaming feature the original introduced was the use of trust points awarded or deducted as a result of interactions with other characters that effect the overall endings. A huge Sega title for the discerning otaku.

Second hand. Two disks � the bonus disk is missing. Comes with Dream Points Sheet and Dream Lineup Catalogue Vol.9 plus registration card. Very slight manual cover impressions. Couple of very fine disk scratches.

For an impartial review, please check out this link....

Publisher: Sega
Game Type: Simulation
Console: Dreamcast

Japanese release - may only work with Japanese hardware.

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