Virtual Boy

Here we have all the games in the Virtual Boy Section.
Virtual Boy
From the creator of the Virtual Boy (and the WonderSwan) Gunpei Yokoi comes this outer space themed realistic pinball title with crisp digitised sound and samples, along with a save facility so high scores can be saved. The hardware’s 3D effect works well.
Virtual Boy
An ambitious pseudo 3D rendition of Mario’s universe which is a very enjoyable plod and his second outing on the format after Mario Tennis. Koopa shells can be used to dispatch enemies such as ghosts from the platforms which are connected into the foreground and background with pipes. The levels roll on continuously so its an old school high score that carries the kudos.
Virtual Boy
Very ambitious attempt to realise tennis in a 3D Mario inspired world with Yoshi, Koopa and Donkey Kong Jr all in there making this a must for any Nintendo collector.
Virtual Boy
Join Bomberman’s quest to make the golden Bomberman statue his own by winning the three medals. All of the enemies and levels are of a spooky nature, but in a cuddly Bomberman style. Gameplay is in a similar vein to Columns.
Virtual Boy
Only contains one course, but as such alot of thought has gone into positioning bunkers and water hazards. The shot power meter needs good reflexes to be stopped correctly, followed by the cursor on the centre of the ball to avoid slicing into the trees. Crisp digitised sound effects and speech hint at the VB’s potential.
Virtual Boy
Complete with the usual modes to adjust the speed and number of starting lines, but its the horizontally scrolling mode making full use of the VB’s 3D capabilities where this version really excels. Having to think about whats going on around the corner really adds a new element to the Tetris formula.
Virtual Boy
Shoot Em Up
Assume control of the Rangnarok ship in the battle to regain control of a rogue space colony. 2D vertically scrolling blast fest given a 3D element by the ability to shift between different planes. Relatively short, but the usual shields, weapon and pod power ups and detailed backgrounds make this a blast worthy of the Hudson Soft brand.
Virtual Boy
Accomplished take on the sport with players choosing their peg before casting off. A nice feeling of satisfaction at bagging a beauty and true fishermen and ladies will relish the challenge of the fight. Well presented and nicely animated. Whilst not up there with Virtual Bowling and Gundam, its slowly becoming a bit of a dark horse in VB collecting.
Virtual Boy
Utilising the VB’s technology to the maximum as balls get pitched towards the batters face, sometimes coming a little too close for comfort inducing the odd, embarrassing finch. Pitching allows a variety of techniques to be used to catch the batter off guard including a fast pitch, a curved pitch or a forkball. Players are nicely represented in super deformed form. An enjoyable ballpark blitz.

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