
Here we have all the games in the Wii Section.
Gets right under your skin from the off as the sense of foreboding grows with each new assailant from the legions of the undead. The detail is a little too much at times. The Wii remote is used to excellent effect – a steady trigger hand is a must to progress – especially when dealing with a zombie hostage situation. As is an eye for the odd exploding barrel to save valuable ammo. Using the knife is also realistic thanks to the Wii’s control. Successfully completing the game unlocks Ada from the PS2 version.
Classic gameplay rekindled on the Wii with its unique control method suited to the action as players must hot foot it up skyscrapers avoiding falling plant pots, helicopters, King Kong and even UFOs. A fall after so much hard work getting up fifty storeys is hard to bear making for some determined, precision gameplay. Split screen two player mode is real, frantic fun.
A race through the skies over jungles, blue sea and volcanoes with the faves of the Nintendo world in this bright and bold racing title. Items are available to power up and hinder opponents and it wouldnft be a Kong game without a few lovely bananas to give a turbo boost. Four player match ups look a real Mario Kart style treat.
Big 4×4 mother of all trucks going head to head with plenty of hot airs with the fun and frolics of the Wii controller adding much excitement. Being Nintendo developed there’s no need to read the manual Ethe simple controls and well-structured tutorials will soon have players putting their suspensions to the test. Not simply at out and out race either: drivers must balance a podium spot with keeping the fans entertained through stunts, big, comfortably-landed airs, barging opponent vehicles and spectacular crashes to gain sufficient bonus stars. And the well-thought out courses are a real hoot to race on, especially on a turbo.
A Bit Special
A little bit of a different experience with the games main protagonist and hero Minon being able to alter the domino action world. Fingers crossed this can be as enjoyable as No One Can Stop Mr. Domino on the PSX. Eight stages to enjoy with a battle mode and two player play possible.
A Bit Special
Nine various games to ground you in the skills required to play the console to its full potential. Nintendo takes you by the hand through a Duck Shoot style blast, a round of ping pong, a rack of pool – mimicking the cue action, a race with a herd of cows, a spot of fishing and a game of air hockey amongst others. All good, clean fun and an excellent starter title.
Exquisite lighting effects, a rising soundtrack, a dank, moody atmosphere that feels straight from the creative genius of Ridley Scott, fluid, intuitive controls and gameplay worthy of the weighty license which respects the heritage whilst pushing the boundaries of the modern FPS.
Beast battling game with quite a legion of followers in Japan so it is with some pride Nintendo bring it to the Wii. Its easy to see why though with expertly rendered ogres to lay into with precision planned armouries all looking very easy on the eye and making the very most of the hardware. Oozes with the Capcom polish of a triple A release.
One of the most beautiful games imaginable from the Odin Sphere team that looks like a Hiroshige woodprint brought to life with all the colours of a summer kimono. An absolute treat of a game too with fluid platform slash action make for the most essential of Wii releases. Makes you drool its so lavish and feels like Princess Crown studying at the Ninja Dojo. Bon appetite.
A Bit Special
The genius of the Made in Wario games reaches new echelons with the Wii controller adding a new dimension to the already innovative gameplay. The mini games remain as refreshing as ever to the very soul of jaded gamers: be it stir frying the wok, doing squats with the remote on your head, driving, balancing, sawing… There are too many highlights to fully recall including controlling an elephants trunk to move fruit, saving a damsel in distress from plumetting to her doom – even the nose picking level makes a welcome return. All nicely wrapped up in the series street wise characters with smooth intoductions and cinematic sequences. Welcome to Wii.
Poor, rotund Opoona has been split up from his folks and the aim of this unusual quest is to get back the happy family. Various skills are obtained through hard work such as a detective or pop star and the varied nature of the quests ensures gameplay is always fresh. Add to the mix the graphical skills of Dragon Quest developers and a twist of the aural pleasure from the Final Fantasy series and the results are a fine release from the Koei stable.
Think of an air based Micro Machines and you’ll hopefully be on the way to imagining Petit Copters world. Yet instead of racing players must manoeuvre objects around the oversized gaming interior of a house using suction cups and from time to time unleash the odd missile to complete the challenging tasks. Very fresh and well thought out.
Updated version of the arcade smash with plenty more tracks to choose from and where moving the Wii remote and nunchuck around in time to the beat is the central premise. Preach no more: this is the game to convince non gamers to get involved and samba. Bursting with colour and sunshine – at least when you’re hitting the beats. Plus Sega fans will appreciate the appearance of Sonic and Space Channel 5’s Ulala.
Uber slick blend of the immense Gundam universe (and seemingly all its inhabitants) and lush production values as a thousand speed lines and jagged fringed avatars are spliced with intense battle pyrotechnics burning a hole in the TV screen. A superb culmination of the series and a fine title in its own rights, not just for fans.
Sonic back to his mach speed best in this Arabian themed expedition with tight, confined tunnels, glistening waterways and vast expanses of desert to explore. Gameplay positively zips along as the irrespressible Sonic grabs the rings and hits the turbo boosts for an adrenalin soaked experience. The setting is exploited well as Sonic sprints up sheer cliffs and edges along sheer drops all with deft control from the Wii remote.
A most timely return to form from the dungareed dude – plump plumber platform gaming hasnt been this much fun since Mario 64. Oozing absolute triple A Nintendo class from the very outset, Galaxy bedazzles like a shooting star with graphical wonders and a real orchestral score. The freedom from the laws of physics has really seen Miyamoto san et al let loose and every star required is a pleasurable adventure along with a lesson in games design. The controller fits snugly, even the simultaneous 2P mode is a barrel of laughs. First class honours.
An all gal adventure with plenty of rhythm action on the way as the remote is swished around with the grace of the girl band Perfume. The band members encourage each other along and a bit of paper, scissors, stone distracts and settles any tension quickly.
Utilising the Wii controller like a golf club might get you admiring glances from the neighbours, but its likely you’ll be too engrossed in trying to obtain that new costume for your player in this cartoony golf game. As you’d expect from Tecmo the hemlines are unlikely to win the approval of the old course members, but looking this good there’ll be few other complaints. Fine array of characters including a possible guest appearance from Kasumi, warming weather effects and plenty of Nintendo style sunshine throughout. A fine back nine.
Extraordinary Wii platformer with Wario being the perfect host. As ever he seems to have been used as a character where the Big N can experiment a bit more on the gameplay and the Shake of the title is used to wiggle Wario into action: be it shaking out coins or performing some on screen gynastics to get through a tight spot. Beautiful settings and backgrounds, but with such a high level of interaction its hard to know what cant be grabbed hold of on screen. Some superb side levels, particularly in the submarine. Say no more other than platforming at its finest, whatever the dimension.
Grounds Wii fans in the basics of boxing, tennis, golf, baseball and ten pin bowling at the same time boosting dab handedness with the Wii controller. Bowling will have you cruising along the living room carpet, eyes focused hawk-like to the screen. Boxing satisfies the animalistic instinct with the chance to slug away at your opponent with a tactical guard element to ensure this game goes the full rounds. Tennis thankfully leaves the running to the AI as you build up a rally against your opponent. Golf and baseball have you swinging for the ball, all straight forward but enjoyment is massively enhanced by the Wii controls.


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