Four player adaptor for the vintage GameBoy handheld allowing multiplayer mayhem in suitably retro tinged venues throughout the retro world. Forget Wi Fi: this is the way to attain retro kudos on your commute.
Snazzy little set designed to free the dirt from cart pins and also to slot into the back of the GameBoy to ensure nothing gets between the handheld and a good, retro blast. Comes in a cardboard box set the same size as a GameBoy cart box.
A must for the Pikachu aficionado allowing the carts of six versions to be stashed away and on display. Each cart space has the correct picture of it behind.
Colourful and transparent link cable designed for the original GameBoy to allow two player action on appropriate titles for a nostalgic trip to retro gaming heaven.
Useful gadget to boost the light for the original GameBoy as it had no back light for the screen. So sneaking a go under the covers became a distinct possibility.