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Sega Saturn
Compatible with the likes of Wing Arms, Soviet Strike, Black Fire… The Mission Stick brings the flight of fancy to such airbourne titles and really adds the extra dimension to the gameplay. If you thought Desert Strike got a bit hairy with a joypad, try using the Mission Stick to finish Soviet Strike. Sega once more shows its supreme love of its fan base in making this stick switchable between left and right sides. Bravo! Also has a turbo fire feature and thumb throttle.
Sega Saturn
A more compact Saturn with a coloured buttoned joypad and an off white finish described as mist grey, but certainly alot more cheerful than the original release. Makes a great starter machine into which to enter one of the largest, unexplored galaxies of import stars.
Sega Saturn
Tidy spare pad in the white design with multicoloured buttons. Well designed feeling snug in the hand even when in the tightest of shmup corners facing a barrage of shrapnel.
Sega Saturn
Stand alone gun controller in the arcade style with yellow start button and Sega Saturn markings for use with the reflex testing ‘Virtua Cop’ and the gothic classic ‘House of the Dead’ amongst others such as Mechanical Violator Hakaider. Being the Japanese model it comes in sleek black, unlike the Western model which came in garish colours.
Sega Saturn
A more compact Saturn with a coloured buttoned joypad and an off white finish described as mist grey, but certainly alot more cheerful than the original release. Makes a great starter machine into which to enter one of the largest, unexplored galaxies of import stars.
Sega Saturn
S Video cable for the Sega Saturn with generous length to provide a crisper picture according to many Saturn head.
Sega Saturn
The height of kitsch which every self respecting otaku shouldn’t be without. Even comes with a stop watch rest. Infinitely adds to the realism when playing Densha De Go on the Saturn.
Sega Saturn
Tasty, tried and tested, custom built RGB scart cable for the Sega Saturn to enjoy a fine picture on an NTSC capable television. Put together with some serious competence and a steady, steady hand.
Sega Saturn
With slow motion, turbo and autofire settings the Tornado is a fine third party pad and has a nice feel in the hands.
Sega Saturn
Bold venture at the time from Sega to get gamers online for virtual stand offs on Virtua Fighter Remix which is included in the pack. Also included are the Sega Saturn Internet Vol. 1 disk to boot up and Pad Nifty which helped the Saturn communicate with PCs. Not wishing to treat it as the Holy Grail, but quite a rare find and a very collectable curio.
Sega Saturn
Very slick, off white controller which can have the angle adjusted to suit your set up. Makes race titles far more enjoyable as your car power slides into pole position. Re release as the initial release was in black.


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