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GameBoy Color
Nice curio of an AC adaptor for those with a step down who just want to plug in and play their GameBoy Pocket, Light or Color, albeit with a step down transformer in the UK.
GameBoy Color / Nintendo 64
Connects to the back of the 64 controller to allow gamers to download data from Game Boy games into the Nintendo 64, often unlocking bonus stages. A nice collectable in the Nintendo World which never forgets its roots in thinking about compatibility, or perhaps the bottom line when it comes to Pokemon..?
GameBoy Color
A fine accessory allowing GameBoy variant gamer to save their progress on games with the Turbo File mark, especially on memory hungry games.
GameBoy Color / GameBoy Original
Allows link up between the different versions of the GameBoy through bypassing the different port.
GameBoy Color
A small device for the GameBoy Pocket, Light or Color allowing users to get an extra boost in charge without using up batteries. The unit plugs into the charger (supplied) and soon charges up to give extra gameplay time.
GameBoy Color
A small device for the GameBoy Pocket, Light or Color allowing users to get an extra boost in charge without using up batteries. The unit plugs into the charger (not supplied) and soon charges up to give extra gameplay time.
GameBoy Color / GameBoy Original
A must for the Pikachu aficionado allowing the carts of six versions to be stashed away and on display. Each cart space has the correct picture of it behind.


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