Miscellaneous Games

Here we have all the games in the Miscellaneous Games Section.
Miscellaneous Games
Splendid conversion of the nausea inducing arcade monolith, unfortunately without giant hydraulic cockpit, but all the rest is very well represented. Old school mechanics and high tension, adrenalin fuelled action from a golden era of the coin op when Sega ruled supreme.
Miscellaneous Games
A Bit Special
Not a game (though there is a quiz), but an educational compilation of various animals for younger ones to savour viewing. Giraffes, bears, dogs and monkeys are all in Kawaii form with plenty of footage of each. Japanese title: PD Shuppatsu Doubutsu Tankentai.
Miscellaneous Games
A simple art package allowing players to compose basic sentences but also muster up masterful pictures to illustrate the day out for example. Very cute and cuddly with a good opportunity to practise hiragana script.
Miscellaneous Games
Released as the third instalment of Alex Kidd in the West, Anmitsu is a bit of a rascal princess who takes on platform ninjas in a blend of old Japan plus a few new bits of the modern world such as cake shops. Plenty of fun and good, early Sega gameplay roots with a nice blend of action and chit chat between levels.
Miscellaneous Games
Shoot Em Up
A vertical scrolling shooter from master blasters Sega with clever programming and tasty chip tunes. Can’t go wrong with Sega’s hertitage.
Miscellaneous Games
Conan, star of the Case Closed anime, gets cut loose on the Bandai Super Note Club with this adventure for the little known curio format. Choosing different options in game affects the outcome of the story. The cart also includes mini games of the Skateboard Chase, 3D Maze and Kick Out.
Miscellaneous Games
Arcade level graphical achievements and gameplay to match as the players penguin pecks platforms to negotiate a safe passage for the egg through the screens laden with traps and adversaries. A real gem in Sega’s crown that shows why it enjoyed the fine times ahead.
Miscellaneous Games
A Bit Special
The DragonBall games are the most collectable on the Playdia system showing off its capabilities to stream animation with fine voice acting. This animated adventure doesn’t require too much intervention from the player, but seamlessly slips between one sleek sequence to the next in the fun and frantic saga. And its place as a hardware demo is unquestioned. This is the rarer of the DBZ releases being the Space Saga. Known in Japan as Shin Saiyan Jin Metsu Kaikaku Uchu Hen.
Miscellaneous Games Preorder
A Bit Special
Ten top titles to savour as Taito gives another blast of arcade gaming in the form of this third installment SD crad for the Egret mean machine: Mr. Do, Rumba Lumber, Wiz, Metal Soldier Isaac 2, Extermination, Dr. Toppel Tonkentai, Top Landing, Aqua Jack, Galactic Storm and Space Invaders 95 Attack of the Lunar Loonies make up the roster.
Miscellaneous Games
A Bit Special
Seven in one cart which features original titles including Boat Race, Mario Bros clone Roge Brer, Chack n Pop tribute Bomb, Warp Man look a like Aether, Penguin (which is like Nuts & Milk), Twinbee wanabee Van-1 and Conte Energy which is reminiscent of Lode Runner. So whilst we say original the games are not pirated, but are certainly based on existing ideas. Good value little pack.
Miscellaneous Games
A Bit Special
Jam packed with seven titles: Frog Prince, Bounce Ball (Pinball), Spar (Urban Champion), Cobra of Sky, Rescue of Kuck (Donkey Kong Jr.), Bounce (Mappy) and Surface Fire (Centipede). Frog Prince is a competent Mario Bros clone complete with pipes, venus fly traps and warp zones. Players even grab a flag in a run and jump at the end. Very impressive, but not too sure what Miyamoto san would make of it.
Miscellaneous Games
A Bit Special
Ladangel, Scoring, Tennis, Maze, Bandits, Mars Man and Space War. A great compilation of original games which test Nintendo’s definition of original.
Miscellaneous Games
A compilation celebrating young Japanese boys’ love of vehicles with footage of bulldozers, ambulances, tourist buses, post vans, police cars and fire engines.
Miscellaneous Games
Mahjong on the Mark III with some superb characters to enliven the action.
Miscellaneous Games
A Bit Special
A Konami art style title that lets budding Rolph Harris add features to faces and various outfits to create monster high school girls or samurai themed gangsters. All good clean fun on a little known platform and Konami release.
Miscellaneous Games
Digitised graphics that stunned as much as a sacked Quarterback along with the back up of Maddens smooth commentary giving the all mighty package to this all American sport.
Miscellaneous Games
A video CD showcase collectable being produced by Sega and possibly linked to its research for arcade racing AM2 team. Very unusual collectable from the brand that gave us spiky hedgehogs and racing tracks with fruit machines suspended above.
Miscellaneous Games
A Bit Special
A game to help Japanese children learn English. Colour in the parts of the picture marked with the nominated letters, copy the letters on screen and play the letter games in matching up upper and lower case letters.
Miscellaneous Games
Memory Card
Very useful accessory for collectors of the rare Picno beast allowing game data to be saved to this memory card. And it would be an awful shame to let fine artwork or the like go to waste on the creative console.
Miscellaneous Games
Shoot Em Up
The arcade classic R-Type gets a miraculous handheld conversion. The sheer originality of Irem’s opus has yet to be bettered. Who can forget the level one alien embryo boss?


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