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Pokemon cards and cards, coins and maps all included in this trading card starter kit. Collecting Pokemon cards can be a slippery slope.
Ceruledge and Armarouge adorn these protective plastic sleeves that keep your Pokemon cards in pristine condition.
A colourful collection of stickers in tribute to the third installment of the Pikmin series.
A useful, colourful draw string bag in honour of the loveable and fun Pikmin series by Nintendo.
A useful, colourful hand towel tribute to the loveable and fun Pikmin series by Nintendo.
A Bit Special
Super gal Haruhi once again stars with a voice to melt the Cadbury’s Caramel bunny in this love adventure where players also get to make their own game. Superb high standards to the figure that comes as part of the package too matching the voice acting.
Plenty of gents with high cheek bones to chat to in this dating simulation. A great language tool as the written and spoken language appear in sync.
Famicom Cart
Shoot Em Up
Very tough conversion of the arcade vertically scrolling shooter recommended only to grizzled gaming veterans with hardened skin on their thumbs! Beautiful organic backgrounds and well atoned chip tunes to the on-screen tension which is cranked high during the imaginative boss battles.
Brutal cage fighting as the solid fighters go toe to toe with a crowd baying for blood. The pugilists are heavy and the blows they land have a solid feel to them, enough to induce the odd wince off screen too as Capcom ticks all the boxes on this official license.
All-action soundtrack to keep players eyes wide open in order to thrive and not just survive the velocity fest as Sonic whizzes over twisted 3D roads. Yet Sega nods to the rich 2D heritage of its hero and the side section platform skill sections will raise the pulse of gamers of a certain vintage. Seamless presented as you would expect with fine cut-scenes.
Shoot Em Up
Mech robots scrapping it out in this conversion of the rare Saturn shooter Wolf Fang. Seemingly inspired by Cybernator on the Super Famicom with the of the era obligatory FMV to establish its 32bit pedigree. The Assault Suits Valken influence can be seen in the tiny humans on screen such as when you have to hit the ejector seat from the mech but still battle bravely on. The mech attributes can be set which makes a big difference to your in-game powers. Skull Fang is an old school vertical scrolling shoot ’em up with arcade roots in its Data East heritage. All very nicely presented as you’d expect from a Japanese title. Tough, but not too unforgiving for grizzled shooter heads.
🥇Game of the Week
Game of the Week Switch
Shoot Em Up
Mech robots scrapping it out in this conversion of the rare Saturn shooter Wolf Fang. Seemingly inspired by Cybernator on the Super Famicom with the of the era obligatory FMV to establish its 32bit pedigree. The Assault Suits Valken influence can be seen in the tiny humans on screen such as when you have to hit the ejector seat from the mech but still battle bravely on. The mech attributes can be set which makes a big difference to your in-game powers. Skull Fang is an old school vertical scrolling shoot ’em up with arcade roots in its Data East heritage. All very nicely presented as you’d expect from a Japanese title. Tough, but not too unforgiving for grizzled shooter heads.
Famicom Cart
Very tidy RPG based on the Zoids world with impressive 3D battles. Get hold of the baddest Zoid to wreak havoc on the other prehistoric inspired robots.
Sega Saturn
Subtitled Music is the Weapon. Aerosmith offer encouragement to players in the form of their on screen, FMV persona and also in terms of their back catalogue which gets a good airing. Players control the on screen cursor and must take down the bad guys often using a flying CD as ammo. Lots of digitisation and no doubt air guitars, if given a brief respite during this nineties coin-op shooter.
Super Famicom
Platform title based in feudal Japan with luscious period setting graphics setting the moody tone nicely for supernatural adversaries that draw on Japanese folklore and mythology. Armed with a trusty spear Imoto is charged with rescuing Shizuka with some kind assistance from the deities in the form of power ups. Full Japanese title ‘Kousoushinrai Densetsu Musha.’
Shoot Em Up
Insane amount of projectiles on screen as the wee witches avoid the harmful ones whilst swooping on their brooms to grab the power ups needed to keep reciprocating the bullet barrage. Lovely graphical style to suit the witches theme.
Shoot Em Up
Dream compilation for the new and old generation with the Famicom and Arcade versions of Tiger Heli: Toaplan show their flair for explosive onslaughts as players pilot the helicopter through 1942 style warfare based levels. Gameplay is well thought out and most importantly fair. A very solid Famicom shooter that lead to the Ultimate Tiger sequel, also conveniently included in Arcade, Twin Cobra, PC Engine, Famicom and mega Drive incarnations:
Vertically scrolling helicopter based blaster. Think 1941 with copters for planes. Taito once again showing its expertise in crafting very competent shooters. Also known as Kyukyoku Tiger.
Finally includes a bit of side scrolling fight action in Get Star for some light relief from the bullet barrage.
Shoot Em Up
Ensuring future generations understand why ‘All Your Base Are Belong To Us’ with Zero Wing leading the assault, backed up more than admirably by Hellfire: the arcade machine from the vintage year of 1989. Also released on the Mega Drive and PC Engine, the anime cinematics and ripe old gameplay with selectable shot direction and the possibility to have two players simultaneously a feature to write home about of its era. One unique feature of Zero Wing the tractor beam that allows you to suck up enemy vessels into your ship to fire them out again or use them as a shield. Then the bonus Horror Story is a real treat for fans of the era: a delightful B movie horror feel to this platform shooter complete with ghosts that look like rejects from Mr Vampire and priestess on floating clouds from Chinese Ghost Story on the oriental themed level one with spooky musical score. The main character looks like the lead from Slime World and can be joined by a friend for two player co-operative play. Further delights include the ghost ship level. A rare non-shooter release from Toaplan, but this conversion has preserved the characteristic difficulty.
Shoot Em Up
A mouth watering compilation of Flying Shark, Sky Shark, Fire Shark and Wardner no Mori in various Famicom, Mega Drive and Arcade incarnations to savour. Fire Shark shows Toaplan in fine fettle with the player taking the controls of a fighter plane with some stupendously powerful weapons to pick up and power up including the gratifying flamethrower in this WWII airborne shooter. Brash, big sprites and nice attention to detail at ground level with soldiers running around and vehicles getting stuck and no hint of slowdown. Just watch the reverse, gunner. Wardner no Mori is no stranger to Mega Drive fans and adds nice variation in this solid platform game set in a spooky forest where the lead man shoots fire from his fingers to scythe through to a cinder the evil ghouls and demons lying in wait. Strangely compelling in spite of the coin op based, money grabbing difficulty requiring pixel perfect jumps.
Nintendo hasn’t forgotten its roots as a card manufacturer of the highest quality. Housed in a plastic box, the cards themselves are beautifully illustrated featuring all your Nintendo faves in a traditional Japanese setting. A real find for collectors.
Forty-three tracks for adrenalin junkies from Zero Gunner and Zero Gunner 2. Zero Gunner 2 is a particularly cherished title for the Dreamcast these days.