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Animal Crossing Figures
Looking very dapper in top and tails, Jack’s deadpan expression reveals his character. Fine tribute to a wonderful series.
Animal Crossing Figures
Johnny knows the open seas of Animal Crossing and this friendly seagull will gladly tell you all about them when he comes round from being washed-up. Just one of the many characters awaiting in Animal Crossing.
Animal Crossing Figures
Known in Japan as Rakosuke, this friendly chap can often be spotted bobbing up and down in the deep blue sea. Just one of the many characters awaiting in Animal Crossing.
Animal Crossing Figures
Known as Hamusuke in Japan, this cheeky chappie in snazzy star jumper appears to have plenty of room in his cheeks to squirrel food away for a rainy day.
Animal Crossing Figures
Known as Master in Japan as he runs the local Roost coffee shop. Genki was over the moon to be offered pigeon milk and a sable. Some see him as aloof, but regulars will be taken under his wing.
Animal Crossing Figures
Resetti is often regarded as a mole on a mission. He’s not really angry – just keen to ensure the good folk of Crossing get a fair reward for their efforts digging fossils and catching sea bass by saving their progress.
Animal Crossing Figures
Known as Kappei in Japan, and also known as Kapp’n in the West, knows plenty of sea shanties as he crosses the oceans blue exploring new isles and inlets.
Animal Crossing Figures
Isabelle (known in Japan as Shizue) looking very pretty in pink leaf logo shirt and friendly face to welcome you to Animal Crossing.
Animal Crossing Figures
Snappy safari, leaf pattern shirt, but Mr Nook does look like he could do with a good nights sleep, no doubt having spent too many nights serving late-night customers.
Animal Crossing Figures
Known in Japan as Mamekuchi, this young chap will gladly serve you plenty of items you don’t really need for your abode. A fine apprentice to Mr Nook. Happy times await in Animal Crossing.
Animal Crossing Figures
The coolest dawg in the town strums up a few bars whilst you relax in the coffee shop sipping the pigeon milk skinny latte. What a gaming legend KK Slider is…
Animal Crossing Figures
Get unusual items and, better still for the Nintendo fan of a certain vintage, receive retro Nintendo titles to enjoy in game simply by scanning these cards on your e Card Reader when playing the e Card version of Animal Crossing on the GameCube.
Animal Crossing Figures
Following Ai as she moves to the town and gets a job at Nook’s store (who Genki trusts pays at least minimum wage…) A mystery message leads to the plot taking a twist, but lets leave it at that…
Animal Crossing Figures
Nook runs the store in Animal Crossing world (as if you need telling.) And even hardcore gamers will be as soft as Nooks belly by the time they have seen this fine example of gaming tributes in vinyl. Known as Tanukichi in Japan.

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