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Plugs into the memory card slot to add old school cheats to the likes of Musashinden, Metal Gear Solid, Twinbee RPG, ThunderForce V, and more.
Memory Card
Original release of the memory card coming in handy for saving those hairy moments for another day.
A fine curio controller compatible with mahjong games, boasting its own display.
The height of kitsch which every self respecting otaku shouldn’t be without. Even comes with a stop watch rest. Infinitely adds to the realism when playing Densha De Go on the Playstation.
Sony’s answer to Samba De Amigo with high tempo soundtrack (including of course Tubthumping) but instead of using maracas, players attach sensors to their wrists and ankles. The player then follows the martial moves of their on screen persona gaining points for successfully landing a kick or punch at the correct time. There is also a visual reward for landing the moves on time such as being able to see a fireball travel across the screen. Done with intent the techniques give a good work out and the graphics are nicely done set in stereotypical Chinese situations. Rumours are there’s an unlockable Lupin song in there too for when you’re Chumbawhamba-ed out.
Dedicated slot machine (or fruit machine) fans will lap this up with button layout just like a modern slot machine to flitter away a few virtual credits. Superb way to spruce up ones favourite gambling game and at the end of the day wont leave you out of chips.
Enhances enjoyment of the Beatmania series ten fold with the buttons laid out just where the player needs them ‘to produce a pleasant and cool sound’ and the turntable for authentic feeling scratching. ‘The moment you make a scratch, you will be hooked on Beatmania.’ Another wacky yet essential console accessory fresh from Japan.
Memory Card
Save game facility for the original Playstation in this under stated white finish.
A supreme wheel that has the feel of a high-end piece of engineering usually seen in top automobiles. Brings an extra dimension to race games, especially where power slides are on offer.
Ascii are up there with Hori in producing quality peripherals and really knowing their market. Its little wonder they both have so many devotees with such superb design and production values realised in this piece of pad perfection.
Sony attained such levels of perfection in its Playstation controller, it is little wonder the winning formula has changed so little over the new incarnations of its hardware. Intuitive and snug, most reassuring when being chased by the undead in Biohazard to avoid button flapping and mashing.
Playstation / PS2
The only way to play Pop N Music as the makers intended. Fiddly and frustrating at times on the joypad, this dedicated controller soon become intuitive and most importantly fun. A massive series in Japan but to really appreciate its many merits, it takes this controller. Works on both Playstation and PS2.
Playstation / PS2
Memory Card
A sixty block 4MB memory card for the Playstation in tidy clear finish.
Playstation / PS2
Memory Card
A sixty block 4MB memory card for the Playstation in tidy clear finish.
Playstation / PS2
Memory Card
A sixty block 4MB memory card for the Playstation in tidy clear finish.
Memory Card
15 block memory card with additional data when used with various titles including: Final Fantasy VIII, Street Fighter Zero 3, Crash Bandicoot…
A fine multitap in the boomerang style making for plenty of PSX multi player mash ups.
Memory Card
A snappy 15 block memory card coming with its own case to keep it in pristine shape. No excuse to not save progress on Final Fantasy VII. Happy days.
Lists Ridge Racer, Kings Field, Crime Crackers, Jumping Flash, Tekken, Kileak the Blood, Ultimate Parodius, Kyutenkai amongst the titles that can be tweaked with in the interest of fun and to get past that bad boy boss.
Playstation / PS2
An official Sony made S Video cable compatible with the Playstation, PSOne and Playstation 2.
Playstation / PS2
A very unique controller with a somewhat limited capacity in being only compatible with the one title: Wai Wai Trump Taisen for the Playstation. Hori have still gone to town though to ensure it meets their high standards.


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