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Game Cube / Wii
A very collectable design of GameCube pad with the fit of the pad being incredibly snug and the Smash Brothers logo looking slick against the black finish.
Wii Speak is a voice recognition tool that picks up speech and translates it to the game to save typing. Most famed for its use in Animal Crossing, but compatible with other titles too.
A smart canvas puch to store the Wii Remote in to keep it dust free. With Wii logo on the side and Velcro fastener.
Fits directly over the top of the Wii remote to keep it clean and dust free and looking good.
Fits directly over the top of the Wii remote to keep it clean and dust free and looking good.
Japanese NTSC Wii console which allows adventurous gamers to open up the non – Western released world of Wii. Regional protection means owning the Japanese version is the only way to be able to savour the full release schedule. Nintendo’s new dawn appears very bright at present thanks to the innovative control method feeling like a spring breeze to jaded gamers after a bleak winter of too many derivitive releases. By taking a chance the usually conservative Kyoto company may prove the saviour of video gaming. Wii shall see…
A Bit Special
Also known as Wii Play, the bundle features nine various games to ground you in the skills required to play the console to its full potential. Nintendo takes you by the hand through a Duck Shoot style blast, a round of ping pong, a rack of pool – mimicking the cue action, a race with a herd of cows, a spot of fishing and a game of air hockey amongst others. All good, clean fun and an excellent starter title.


GenkiVideoGames.com - Japanese Imported Video Games, Consoles & Hardware