Shoot Em Up

Here we have all the games in the Shoot Em Up Section.
Shoot Em Up
Two superb 16 Bit versions of Cotton in the orthodox Super Famicom Cotton 100% and the out of the box Panorama Cotton of Mega Drive fame. Both worthy of this tribute and executed supremely with the colourful, comic bosses a real treat for retro fans.
Shoot Em Up
Two superb 16 Bit versions of Cotton in the orthodox Super Famicom Cotton 100% and the out of the box Panorama Cotton of Mega Drive fame. Both worthy of this tribute and executed supremely with the colourful, comic bosses a real treat for retro fans.
Sega Saturn
Shoot Em Up
Exemplifying all the hit points that made the Saturn a mean 2D machine. Cute sprite graphics and good pacing. One for every Saturn blaster head’s collection.
Shoot Em Up
Reaching back into what feels to Genki like the near past in compiling three precious (and fairly exclusive) Saturn shooters in Cotton 2, Cotton Boomberang and Guardian Force. Cotton 2 exemplifies all the hit points that made the Saturn a mean 2D machine. Cute sprite graphics and good pacing. Boomerang is not a full sequel to Cotton 2, more feeling like a very slick update as there wasn’t anything really in need of correcting in the prequel. The controls have been revamped along with gameplay additions of a special charge projectile and the facility to switch between three different players. As such the energy bar has gone: each player now represents a life. The in game graphics have been given a lick of paint with some impressive effects hurtling the player into more on screen insanity. The presentation has also been spruced up with hi resolution cut sequences and an intro to give twitchy fingers a break. A true success saving the best until last. Guardian Force is a unique take on the shooter formula with players taking the role of tank driver to blast through enemy lines. No mere gimmick though: in a refreshing twist the tanks turret can rotate through 360 degrees making it possible to pound enemy installations whilst making a hasty retreat. The simultaneous two player option is the icing on the pretty looking cake. A dream team compilation and a real blast.
Shoot Em Up
Reaching back into what feels to Genki like the near past in compiling three precious (and fairly exclusive) Saturn shooters in Cotton 2, Cotton Boomberang and Guardian Force. Cotton 2 exemplifies all the hit points that made the Saturn a mean 2D machine. Cute sprite graphics and good pacing. Boomerang is not a full sequel to Cotton 2, more feeling like a very slick update as there wasn’t anything really in need of correcting in the prequel. The controls have been revamped along with gameplay additions of a special charge projectile and the facility to switch between three different players. As such the energy bar has gone: each player now represents a life. The in game graphics have been given a lick of paint with some impressive effects hurtling the player into more on screen insanity. The presentation has also been spruced up with hi resolution cut sequences and an intro to give twitchy fingers a break. A true success saving the best until last. Guardian Force is a unique take on the shooter formula with players taking the role of tank driver to blast through enemy lines. No mere gimmick though: in a refreshing twist the tanks turret can rotate through 360 degrees making it possible to pound enemy installations whilst making a hasty retreat. The simultaneous two player option is the icing on the pretty looking cake. A dream team compilation and a real blast.
Shoot Em Up
Reaching back into what feels to Genki like the near past in compiling three precious (and fairly exclusive) Saturn shooters in Cotton 2, Cotton Boomberang and Guardian Force. Cotton 2 exemplifies all the hit points that made the Saturn a mean 2D machine. Cute sprite graphics and good pacing. Boomerang is not a full sequel to Cotton 2, more feeling like a very slick update as there wasn’t anything really in need of correcting in the prequel. The controls have been revamped along with gameplay additions of a special charge projectile and the facility to switch between three different players. As such the energy bar has gone: each player now represents a life. The in game graphics have been given a lick of paint with some impressive effects hurtling the player into more on screen insanity. The presentation has also been spruced up with hi resolution cut sequences and an intro to give twitchy fingers a break. A true success saving the best until last. Guardian Force is a unique take on the shooter formula with players taking the role of tank driver to blast through enemy lines. No mere gimmick though: in a refreshing twist the tanks turret can rotate through 360 degrees making it possible to pound enemy installations whilst making a hasty retreat. The simultaneous two player option is the icing on the pretty looking cake. A dream team compilation and a real blast.
Shoot Em Up
Reaching back into what feels to Genki like the near past in compiling three precious (and fairly exclusive) Saturn shooters in Cotton 2, Cotton Boomberang and Guardian Force. Cotton 2 exemplifies all the hit points that made the Saturn a mean 2D machine. Cute sprite graphics and good pacing. Boomerang is not a full sequel to Cotton 2, more feeling like a very slick update as there wasn’t anything really in need of correcting in the prequel. The controls have been revamped along with gameplay additions of a special charge projectile and the facility to switch between three different players. As such the energy bar has gone: each player now represents a life. The in game graphics have been given a lick of paint with some impressive effects hurtling the player into more on screen insanity. The presentation has also been spruced up with hi resolution cut sequences and an intro to give twitchy fingers a break. A true success saving the best until last. Guardian Force is a unique take on the shooter formula with players taking the role of tank driver to blast through enemy lines. No mere gimmick though: in a refreshing twist the tanks turret can rotate through 360 degrees making it possible to pound enemy installations whilst making a hasty retreat. The simultaneous two player option is the icing on the pretty looking cake. A dream team compilation and a real blast.
Shoot Em Up
Gaming veterans Beep reveal their retro tattoos and it’s a young witch on a broomstick. The incredibly successful shooter gets an updated X68000 version plus the original conversion to keep the purists abated. The updated version has a Jewel Fever multiplier and a real lick of graphical paint with some rearranged cheeky tunes. A fine series to go back to, especially such a relatively unknown version.
Shoot Em Up
Cotton Rock n Roll brings the series into the new generations and it looks very charming for it. Great use of 3D backgrounds and adversaries, but the action remains true to its 2D roots. The star of Umihara Kawase makes a guest appearance riding on an inflated puffer fish. Just what the doctor ordered.
Shoot Em Up
Cotton Rock n Roll brings the series into the new generations and it looks very charming for it. Great use of 3D backgrounds and adversaries, but the action remains true to its 2D roots. The star of Umihara Kawase makes a guest appearance riding on an inflated puffer fish. Just what the doctor ordered.
Shoot Em Up
Cotton Rock n Roll brings the series into the new generations and it looks very charming for it. Great use of 3D backgrounds and adversaries, but the action remains true to its 2D roots. The star of Umihara Kawase makes a guest appearance riding on an inflated puffer fish. Just what the doctor ordered.
Shoot Em Up
Cotton Rock n Roll brings the series into the new generations and it looks very charming for it. Great use of 3D backgrounds and adversaries, but the action remains true to its 2D roots. The star of Umihara Kawase makes a guest appearance riding on an inflated puffer fish. Just what the doctor ordered.
Mega Drive
Shoot Em Up
Strangely compelling horizontal shooter in the R – Type mode. Vivid use of colour and jammed with all manner of foe, the cover warns appropriately of the disturbing contents inside. Incidentally this fine cover is from the team who designed the inlay for the Mega CD title Third World War.
PC Engine HU Card
Shoot Em Up
WWII themed shooter with solid play mechanics and plenty of tanks to blow up and battleships to sink. You can also call in the squadron to help out when in a fix. Originally a Hu Card release also given a CD Rom update. Conversion of this title known as Twin Hawk in the arcades was licensed from shoot ’em up fanatics Toaplan.
Nintendo DS
Shoot Em Up
Old school shooter but done in the third dimension producing quite stunning results with crisp, colourful pixels on the small screen. Utilises the dual screen and touch function well with a useful radar, but its wireless two player with only one cart that really whisks up a hail of bullets frenzy. Quite rare of late.
PS Vita
Shoot Em Up
Classic shooter Darius gets a Vita update to get those trigger fingers twitching more than a freshly dispatched robotic cat fish boss. The darkness of deep space contrasts beautifully against the ships pyrotechnics as blast after blast illuminates the screen well suited to horizontal shooters. And of course the multi route selection remains adding plenty of replay value to those who can stick at it like a limpet.
Shoot Em Up
Classic shooter Darius gets a PS4 version having proved popular on the PCVita to get those trigger fingers twitching more than a freshly dispatched robotic cat fish boss. The darkness of deep space contrasts beautifully against the ships pyrotechnics as blast after blast illuminates the action beautifully. And of course the multi route selection remains adding plenty of replay value to those who can stick at it like a limpet.
Shoot Em Up
Based on G Darius and Darius Burst, Taito takes its famed 2D shooter past the kicking and screaming fans and into the third dimension. The hardware is more than capable, but the mindset many need more manipulation. Yet this is no hardware demonstration gimmick: Taito knows how to make an STG and none of the recipe has been skimped on for the sake of a graphical show boat. The Darius fish never looked so fluid.
Shoot Em Up
Based on G Darius and Darius Burst, Taito takes its famed 2D shooter past the kicking and screaming fans and into the third dimension. The hardware is more than capable, but the mindset many need more manipulation. Yet this is no hardware demonstration gimmick: Taito knows how to make an STG and none of the recipe has been skimped on for the sake of a graphical show boat. The Darius fish never looked so fluid.
Mega Drive
Shoot Em Up
Solid conversion of the eternal shmup with some clever parallax. Whilst mutiple routes mean there are only seven levels to get through, the replay value is massive with twenty eight levels to savour. There must have been some catfish in the Taito office at the time judging by all the aquatic themed and highly imaginative enemies you need to take down.
Super Famicom
Shoot Em Up
Solid conversion of the coin – op with all the wonders of the seven seas contained in its mechanical marina. Darius shows why it has remained a classic shmup from the Taito stable of thoroughbreds.
Super Famicom
Shoot Em Up
Solid conversion of the coin – op with all the wonders of the seven seas contained in its mechanical marina. Darius shows why it has remained a classic shmup from the Taito stable of thoroughbreds.
Mega Drive
Shoot Em Up
Sega performed an admirable conversion of the Data East arcade original in 1990 to boost the software available for its 16Bit baby. Vertically scrolling, power ups make the ship mutate and morph into a more souped up beast.
XBOX 360
Shoot Em Up
Feels like there is a Treasure influence at times with vehicles nipping along just as you thought there couldn’t possibly be any more onscreen action. Highly imaginative too with spooky old tree bosses yet a comforting feel of the assuringly familiar zipping over the ruins of what looks like Altered Beasts levels: the mark of the developers Hardcore credentials. Really establishes a fine pacing perhaps a little too fast when being chased by a Bull or two, but we wont ruin it any more. A definite thumbs up.
Shoot Em Up
Cave’s creation shows it still has plenty to offer with its unique Gothic graphical look that feels different to other shooters. Superb package to bring it to new platforms and display its charming attributes.
Shoot Em Up
Cave’s creation shows it still has plenty to offer with its unique Gothic graphical look that feels different to other shooters. Superb package to bring it to new platforms and display its charming attributes.
PC Engine HU Card
Shoot Em Up
Unusual horizontally scrolling blaster set underwater taking on all manner of marine related anemones.
Shoot Em Up
Not sure when a hard rock riff became de rigueur for shoot ’em ups, but it certainly helps to grit ones teeth through the bullet hell. Lovely parallax scrolling often reveals the boss in wait which is ominously circling in the background.
Super Famicom
Shoot Em Up
Old school shooter with big, bad bosses filling up most the screen that require taking down bit by bit. The unique feature is the ability to be able to shift altitudes to avoid confronting the meaner looking machines gunning for you which adds a nice tactical element to the battle. An enjoyable blast.
Shoot Em Up
The chain meter clanks up as players shoot down adversaries to help boost score for the cool trigger-fingered gamers out there. The Akiba influence is definitely there too as players are assaulted from enemies from high school girl assailants to mecha maids. But underpinning the pink bullet eye candy are solid shooter mechanics and some sturdy level design. The on the ground vehicles keep players eyes twitching between multi levels as tanks grind along and trains whiz by. The water transparencies are exquisite too as ships fly out from under the surface having trailed the players vessel. But the slender Switch’s raw power is also harnessed to make the bosses perform the odd 3D rotational twist workout. Also known as Dodonpachi Resurrection.

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