Shoot Em Up

Here we have all the games in the Shoot Em Up Section.
Shoot Em Up
Conversion of the much heralded Seibu Kaihatsu coin-op that never relied on cheap tricks or gimmicks, just simple play mechanics, hardcore level structures, a riffing soundtrack and good old fashioned high scores awarded for collecting medals. The weapons can be powered up but there are only two to select along with two supplementary bomb attacks. Pure arcade shooting action.
Shoot Em Up
There is a beauty in two players shooting the daylights out of all and sundry in tandem as the background gives a near 3D perception of depth with giant turrets and lunar landscapes. The soundtrack truly rocks: a very important factor in shoot em ups to keep the adrenalin pumping and the eyelids from blinking.
Shoot Em Up
There is a beauty in two players shooting the daylights out of all and sundry in tandem as the background gives a near 3D perception of depth with giant turrets and lunar landscapes. The soundtrack truly rocks: a very important factor in shoot em ups to keep the adrenalin pumping and the eyelids from blinking.
Shoot Em Up
There is a beauty in two players shooting the daylights out of all and sundry in tandem as the background gives a near 3D perception of depth with giant turrets and lunar landscapes. The soundtrack truly rocks: a very important factor in shoot em ups to keep the adrenalin pumping and the eyelids from blinking.
Shoot Em Up
There is a beauty in two players shooting the daylights out of all and sundry in tandem as the background gives a near 3D perception of depth with giant turrets and lunar landscapes. The soundtrack truly rocks: a very important factor in shoot em ups to keep the adrenalin pumping and the eyelids from blinking.
Shoot Em Up
Military based verticle scroller with lavish attention to detail. A keen eye will be needed to avoid the barrage of enemy assaults.
Shoot Em Up
Famed Fighter Jet Blaster Raiden IV gets a Mikado Game Centre remix with various modes and selectable ships plus a soundtrack so full of guitar riffs you’ll end up playing on a knee slide, if the projectile hell doesn’t break you first. Superb execution from a thoroughbred shooter stable that keeps on giving.
Shoot Em Up
Famed Fighter Jet Blaster Raiden IV gets a Mikado Game Centre remix with various modes and selectable ships plus a soundtrack so full of guitar riffs you’ll end up playing on a knee slide, if the projectile hell doesn’t break you first. Superb execution from a thoroughbred shooter stable that keeps on giving.
Shoot Em Up
Raiden has always had a Top Gun battalion of dedicated followers and the love is reciprocated to its core crew by Moss in this fest for the retinas to try and absorb.  The multi-directional scrolling adds an extra element for gamers to get to grips with, as if they didn’t have enough on their plate with the projectile hell. Yet there are plenty of nods to the series rich heritage, including the ships. So let the upbeat tunes keep your adrenalin pumping and trigger finger firing.
Shoot Em Up
Raiden has always had a Top Gun battalion of dedicated followers and the love is reciprocated to its core crew by Moss in this fest for the retinas to try and absorb.  The multi-directional scrolling adds an extra element for gamers to get to grips with, as if they didn’t have enough on their plate with the projectile hell. Yet there are plenty of nods to the series rich heritage, including the ships. So let the upbeat tunes keep your adrenalin pumping and trigger finger firing.
Shoot Em Up
Raiden has always had a Top Gun battalion of dedicated followers and the love is reciprocated to its core crew by Moss in this fest for the retinas to try and absorb.  The multi-directional scrolling adds an extra element for gamers to get to grips with, as if they didn’t have enough on their plate with the projectile hell. Yet there are plenty of nods to the series rich heritage, including the ships. So let the upbeat tunes keep your adrenalin pumping and trigger finger firing.
🥇Game of the Week
Shoot Em Up
Raiden has always had a Top Gun battalion of dedicated followers and the love is reciprocated to its core crew by Moss in this fest for the retinas to try and absorb.  The multi-directional scrolling adds an extra element for gamers to get to grips with, as if they didn’t have enough on their plate with the projectile hell. Yet there are plenty of nods to the series rich heritage, including the ships. So let the upbeat tunes keep your adrenalin pumping and trigger finger firing.
Shoot Em Up
Moss excels under the weight of the series history taking it to Mach speed whilst respecting the ships and attack meters of the much-loved plane-based shooter. The hardware permits for new dimensions of bullet hell and its a good job for You Tube to be able to assess later levels, such is the pitiful progress Genki has made thus far. A fine title even considering the excellence attained in part IV that tips its wings to those that have served bravely before.
Shoot Em Up
Moss excels under the weight of the series history taking it to Mach speed whilst respecting the ships and attack meters of the much-loved plane-based shooter. The hardware permits for new dimensions of bullet hell and its a good job for You Tube to be able to assess later levels, such is the pitiful progress Genki has made thus far. A fine title even considering the excellence attained in part IV that tips its wings to those that have served bravely before.
Shoot Em Up
Adopts the 3D style of the Mega Drive version in this continuation of the predominantly 2D series with a rich heritage. Visual splendour in game and in the seamless anime cut scenes will full voice actor cast. The control system does take a wee bit of getting used to, but other than that its business as usual for Cotton on her witch’s broomstick.
Shoot Em Up
Adopts the 3D style of the Mega Drive version in this continuation of the predominantly 2D series with a rich heritage. Visual splendour in game and in the seamless anime cut scenes will full voice actor cast. The control system does take a wee bit of getting used to, but other than that its business as usual for Cotton on her witch’s broomstick.
Shoot Em Up
Happy days are here again with this sublime compilation full of awe and thunder as Taito raids its back catalogue and pulls Rayforce, Raystorm, Raystorm Neo HD, Raycrisis and Raycrisis HD out of the hat. The originals fit like a nice par of slippers whilst the HD versions demonstrate the raw power of the Taito tech heads with retina burning lasers looking truly stunning.
Shoot Em Up
Happy days are here again with this sublime compilation full of awe and thunder as Taito raids its back catalogue and pulls Rayforce, Raystorm, Raystorm Neo HD, Raycrisis and Raycrisis HD out of the hat. The originals fit like a nice par of slippers whilst the HD versions demonstrate the raw power of the Taito tech heads with retina burning lasers looking truly stunning.
Shoot Em Up
Happy days are here again with this sublime compilation full of awe and thunder as Taito raids its back catalogue and pulls Rayforce, Raystorm, Raystorm Neo HD, Raycrisis and Raycrisis HD out of the hat. The originals fit like a nice par of slippers whilst the HD versions demonstrate the raw power of the Taito tech heads with retina burning lasers looking truly stunning.
Shoot Em Up
Happy days are here again with this sublime compilation full of awe and thunder as Taito raids its back catalogue and pulls Rayforce, Raystorm, Raystorm Neo HD, Raycrisis and Raycrisis HD out of the hat. The originals fit like a nice par of slippers whilst the HD versions demonstrate the raw power of the Taito tech heads with retina burning lasers looking truly stunning.
Shoot Em Up
Genki’s bugbear with Rolling Gunner is the difficulty in taking in the stunning, stainless steel mega bosses and seamlessly scrolling backgrounds in this super Switch side scrolling shooter. The soundtrack hits all the right notes too, inspiring players to keep blasting when it seems like every pixel is out to get you.
Shoot Em Up
Konami declares its unrelenting love for gamers from the old school with this bumper compilation responsible for many a blistered thumb. Includes five games on the wee UMD are the organic looking Salamander parts one and two, plus Life Force, Xexex and Gradius II. Konami have enabled the games to fully utilise the PSP’s screen, but they can also be played in their original dimensions for the PSP purists. Also includes a gallery to savour memories of old. The appropriately daunting front cover remains with the Salamander boss – a classic retro image. Yet its Xexex that is the surprise package here with its R Type style detachable pod making for exhilarating gameplay. Sometimes its best not to go back, but this time its good to be back. And Xexex absolutely insists you go back.
XBOX 360
Shoot Em Up
Unusual twist on the shooter genre with G Rev putting a isometric slant on proceedings as two players (or the CPU plus one player) battle it out amongst some huge, spiraling bosses trying to deflect shots onto opponents. Occasion power ups lead to a vast transformation of your ship to unleash the mother of all shooter assaults on a suitably dwarfed opponent. Being Naomi based would have made for a fine DC conversion, as such the 360 takes more DC refugees under its all encompassing wing.
XBOX 360
Shoot Em Up
Unusual twist on the shooter genre with G Rev putting a isometric slant on proceedings as two players (or the CPU plus one player) battle it out amongst some huge, spiralling bosses trying to deflect shots onto opponents. Occasion power ups lead to a vast transformation of your ship to unleash the mother of all shooter assaults on a suitably dwarfed opponent. Being Naomi based would have made for a fine DC conversion, as such the 360 takes more DC refugees under its all encompassing wing.
Shoot Em Up
The Switch once again steps up as the bastion of all shooters of yesteryear. Alfa System’s very high production values shine through as you once again take to the skies in super human form to battle the Shikigami Castle which is hovering menacingly above Tokyo. Adrenalin fuelled shmup fiends will relish the multiplier opportunities pushing reflexes and retinas to the extreme levels of endurance.
Shoot Em Up
Fan boy favourite Alfa translated Shikigami 2 late in the Dreamcast’s life cycle on the 24th March 2004 from the Naomi board, but it proves the Dreamcast heart can still beat strong. Includes Gallery (in which you can unlock artwork) and Practise modes, full character speech and special moves, and a remixed soundtrack. Combines a 2D shooting frenzy with 3D backgrounds and the unique selling point of danger shots: when an enemy is hit from close range it does more damage, causing some very close scrapes. But the excellent characterisation also adds to the will to fight on in a similar vein to the Super Famicom classic Area 88 (UN Squadron.)
Out of Stock
Shoot Em Up
Fan boy favourite Alfa translated Shikigami 2 late in the Dreamcast’s life cycle on the 24th March 2004 from the Naomi board, but it proves the Dreamcast heart can still beat strong. Includes Gallery (in which you can unlock artwork) and Practise modes, full character speech and special moves, and a remixed soundtrack. Combines a 2D shooting frenzy with 3D backgrounds and the unique selling point of danger shots: when an enemy is hit from close range it does more damage, causing some very close scrapes. But the excellent characterisation also adds to the will to fight on in a similar vein to the Super Famicom classic Area 88 (UN Squadron.)
Out of Stock
Shoot Em Up
Competent conversion of the until now Dreamcast exclusive that keeps its arcade roots in the high adrenalin, verticle on screen action. Whilst still lacking the wow factor in terms of visual impact, gameplay has clearly been made the all important goal of the developers for which praise is deserved. Besides you’re not given much chance to admire the scenery as you need your eyes to work independently to avoid the on screen onslaught. Also includes five mini bonus games not found on the DC where you must shoot the right balloons for example with more precision shooting required as well as evasive skills. A sort of training for the main event with high scoring being the goal.
Mega CD
Shoot Em Up
Giddy, on the rails shooting action which works well and looks very impressive on the Mega CD. Unrelenting action as your ship skims the surface of far away planets. Not for those who suffer from motion sickness. Starfox for the Sega CD.
Shoot Em Up
High production values with fine attention to detail in the landscapes all interlaced with top draw GCI cut scenes adds up to a superlative sapping experience. A strategical element is added to the frantic, frenetic shooter action in that wing weapons must be selected in accordance with the level awaiting. Half way through the level the mother ship will drop in though for a well needed health boost and a opportunity to reconfigure for the intelligent bosses that vary their assaults. As is the way with modern shooters, dicing with death is actively encouraged as the multiplier spirals out of control by shooting the ships when they are really too close for comfort.

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