
Here we have all the games in the Dreamcast Section.
Pachinko title based on the infamous and retro Go Nagai manga series with some snazzy looking tables in a retro chic way as GC rendering meets a pen and paper drawn manga.
Pachinko simulator. Pachinko is a game where small steel balls must be caught in order to win prizes. Unfortunately with the demise of the Dreamcast online servers its no longer possible to win prizes online.
Takes the Super Famicom style cutesy approach to the sport as opposed to the realistic Power Smash series and it works a treat. Sadly the online servers are now long gone, but the colourful action is refreshingly simple and great in multiplayer.
Out of Stock
A simple series for players to be able to use the Dreamcast servers to battle against each other. The tile game of mah-jong sees players battle it out in the hope of shouting out ‘Reach’.
Solid grid iron representation with Sega Sports matching the high presentation standards matching that of EAs sprawling empire and capturing the key moments of the sport perfectly. Plenty of cheer leaders for sport as slick as this and playable to non fans of the sports, just as EAs Ice Hockey back in the day.
Comes with a pack in Bible that explains the rules making for a large pack. The game is a fine product of Sega Sports with plenty of cheer and razzmatazz along with the fluid mechanics and slick presentation you would expect. Good for gamers with no prior knowledge required.
Fruit machine simulator that took advantage of the DC networks whilst available to give slot machine fans a cheaper alternative to feeding their habit. Tidy Jungle Master theme to the machine in line with the fruity feel.
Spend a week with the girls of Pandora’s Dream: a beautifully animated adventure set in the height of the muggy Japanese summer.
Classic Japanese puzzle action with frantic pace, anime characters and plenty of cussing in despair and whooping in delight. Coloured spheres must be matched with other colours. The twist being your platform can only hold so much weight before it gradually gives way under the strain of too many spheres and gets pushed to the bottom of the screen. Fast flowing and full of fun.
Meet the ladies of Pocket Kano and get to comment on their apartments and the like. But its best to avoid tongue in cheek comments which may fall flat. As tempting as it may be.
Off-beat spin off of the Beatmania series with a unique cartoony style masking the challenge lying beneath the surface of this add on disk. Toe tapping, reflex sharpening fun which is very hard to put down.
Off beat spin off of the Beatmania series with a unique cartoony style masking the challenge lying beneath the surface of this add on disk. Toe tapping, reflex sharpening fun which is very hard to put down.
The ultimate in gaming fantasy escape – a British major title is possible with the appearance of Tim Henman in this slick tennis sim. Reveals its arcade roots in its simplicity to pick up but with a fiendish difficultly gradient after the opening rounds. The finest realistic tennis game. Brilliant with four players.
Zippy bike game that does without the unforgiving bike physics and in doing so takes an arcade approach to racing. The weather effects and courses are very nicely drawn with no slow down and it brings us ample evidence of the raw processing power of the DC. The tunes are also relentless making it hard to let go of the throttle at times.
Table top simulator doing a good job of converting the game of Othello to the Dreamcast.
Remote control car racing in a 3D take on Micro Machines with the most being made of the shrunk down courses as players whiz through living rooms and round gardens. Zips long and very high paced to make this exciting: what we all like in a game.
Sublime anime intro sets the mood well for this action RPG in the fantasy mode. Players soon find themselves hacking and slashing their way through dimly lit dungeons with pig like beasts vying for the attention of the divine sword. The perspective works well and the slant on action makes for great pacing to the procession through the adventure.
Showcasing all that is popular in these sim games: love interest, beautiful graphics and of course a few fights along the way. The new gaming feature the original introduced was the use of trust points awarded or deducted as a result of interactions with other characters that effect the overall endings. A huge Sega title for the discerning otaku.
The first instalment of the epic Sakura Taisen marched onto the Dreamcast demanding attention of all with its very slick 3D battle scenes. This exquisite special pack comes with a Dreamcast VMU in a very tidy wooden finish showing the attention to detail Sega gave to its beloved Dreamcast.
A Bit Special
Unfortunately the Dreamcast servers are now down meaning emails can’t be sent, but this is still a nice collectable for fans of the Sakura Wars series. Also includes a very snazzy movie disk of ‘Sakura Wars 3’.
Plenty of flushes and wry smirks from the poker face avatars of the Sakura Taisen participants in this card game. Nice off shoot from the world where imperial Japan lives on.
Plenty of flushes and wry smirks from the poker face avatars of the Sakura Taisen participants in this card and mahjong game. Nice off shoot from the world where old Japan lives on. Differing cover to the Imperial version with a few teaks.
Forget the card game take on the Sakura Taisen world; this deluxe Dreamcast version comes with a full sized wall clock with picture of the girls enjoying a game of cards and a cup of tea and some suspected peeking at players hands. No wonder the Dreamcast was doomed, but what unparalleled love towards owners from Sega.
Forget the card game take on the Sakura Taisen world; this deluxe Dreamcast version comes with a full sized wall clock with picture of the girls enjoying a game of cards and a cup of tea and some suspected peeking at players hands. No wonder the Dreamcast was doomed, but what unparalleled love towards owners from Sega.
Pop a couple of maracas in the hands of a non-gamer and sit back and enjoy the show. Mould breaking, pure distilled fun from the Sonic Team.
Pop a couple of maracas in the hands of a non-gamer and sit back and enjoy the show. Mould breaking, pure distilled fun from the Sonic Team.
Updated version of the arcade smash with plenty more tracks to choose from including a rock version of A-Ha’s “Take On Me.” Also includes Hustle mode where moving the maracas around in time to the beat is the central premise as opposed to hitting the beats. Then there’s Love Love mode where success is measured by how many beats you can hit together with your partner. Preach no more: this is the game to convince non gamers to get involved and samba. Bursting with colour and sunshine – at least when you’re hitting the beats.
This Japan exclusive version of the warring kingdoms embarks on a sweeping crusade to build up the biggest army in ancient China through conquering all others. Some epic battles all very nicely realised and true to the period costumes and weaponry, with some nice effects. Known as Romancing of the Three Kingdoms VI in the West. Raise the torch and burn the sky.
Cracking compilation of sports titles likely to feature in association with a fizzy caffeine drink. Sports include snow boarding, hang gliding, all terrain vehicle riding, mountain biking, sky surfing and bizarrely bungee jumping. Not too sure of the sport in the bungee, but far be it from us to knock a hobby we know little about. Shame certain newspaper editors don’t apply that rule to video gaming.
Masses of Japanese, American and European cars to choose from each with unique handling as Sega steers away from its arcade rally races and gets realistic in this Gran Turismo style racing game. Good graphical attention to detail seen for example in the whirl of red light left behind when a car jams on the anchors at night.


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