
Here we have all the games in the Dreamcast Section.
One on One Beat Em Up
Not quite wrestling, not boxing – no holds seem barred either in this encaged grapple fest. Plenty of modes of play and makes good use of the license, even down to the ability to edit your player. Still even without changing your man there are some brutal looking bruisers to choose from.
Serious looking machinery and gruffer looking blokes make up the into to this military simulation with the commands in English making it accessible for those who like to take their crack team behind enemy lines and follow the plan through to fruition.
Takes a plethora of vehicles from off roader, to vintage bus to big old trucker and places them into a scrap yard of doom where they must blow hunks of metal out of each other. Thrills and spills as the chase ensues with the four player mode being a total blast.
Losing nothing in the home conversion, best played with four players. Not merely button bashing though as timing is the essence of most events. The 1,500M event captures plenty of the pain and anguish the real athletes must feel.
One on One Beat Em Up
Superb fighting series and worthy follow up which was never going to be as great a leap forward as between the first and second installments.
Where as the passing system isn’t perfect, this arcade classic still can set the heart a flutter with some very special goals. The first to introduce a very clever crossing system and the potential for wing wizardry.
Battle mech against mech through various arenas. Not quite on a of the same complexity as XBox Tekki, but true mastery requires a little bit of time to get to grips with the controls. But the rewards are a real delight once players can control the giant machines to lay waste to an opponent. Full screen play against a human opponent is possibly if you have the system link cable.
Life is never dull in the bright and breezy world of the Pia Carrot cafe with adorable staff with plenty to say.
A Bit Special
A treasure hunt title known as Yukawa Otakara Sagashi in Japan that was a promotional disk, but could also be bought. Players at the time were lucky enough to be able to win ten thousand Yen to allow them to order the likes of Border Down or Space Channel 5.
Beautiful winter wonderland romantic escapades await in this dating game that looks like its set at the height of Hokkaido’s winter.


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