New Arrivals - Games & Hardware

All the latest games & hardware that has recently arrived in store. Use the filter below to select your console and narrow your search.

All new arrivals. Use the menu to narrow your search.

Nintendo Hardware
A great way to get into import gaming: the Japanese N64 has more import sizzlers than a Yakuza has had cigarettes extinguished on them. Please also note: this console does not support RGB output.
Sega Hardware
The original Dreamcast machine is a splendid way to enjoy the vast array of Japan exclusive Dreamcast titles without the hassle of convertors in full NTSC glory. The Dreamcast remains a well respected machine amongst the gaming cognoscenti for its excellent array of fighting games, shooters and a few off-beat treats.
Sega Hardware
Treat of a machine is tasty, slimline, zero calorie form. Great to get up and running into importing Japanese exclusives with very snug pads.
GameBoy Advance
A splendid, sprawling epic cocooned in a wonderful threads of Shining Force story. Lovingly crafted sprites reminiscent of the halcyon era of the Super Famicom.
PS Vita
Great to see the series get back to its roots in this tribute to the highly collectable Super Famicom version. The visuals are spot on – the Vita hardware has added much to the visual impact. But Genki are grateful the gameplay has been left as it always was. Unlike most platformers super hero style jumps aren’t possible here – instead a trusty fishing rod is used to latch onto platforms and guide our schoolgirl heroine around. It is also used to catch fish adversaries in an imaginative twist that can then be stashed in her backpack if so desired. Fresh gameplay even today that you soon get into the swing of.


The disks contain a TV drama with the detective charged with piecing together the evidence to solve the mysterious murders occurring. A great language learning tool.
Intriguing twist on the rhythm action style of game with J Pop music that adjusts to your skill level. Protaganists Amp and Spica must dance their way through the colourful Cool Cool Town using their dancing skills to appease yellow werewolves and diffuse bombs. Gameplay is similar to Space Channel 5 and Neo Geo Pocket link up is possible in this last import only SNK release for the Dreamcast. This link up lets you unlock instruments in the Pocket version which can then be used in the Dreamcast version
The Inuyasha world brought to life on the small colour screen and looking lavish. Enjoyable adventure romp with impressive combat sequences.
Brilliant Merchandise
Fatal Fury starts in these tribute artworks that sit perfectly on desktops. The pull back design shows the artwork in motion adding to the effect. Neo Geo devotees will lap this up.
Few can be as deserving of the nick name Solid Snake as Kojima’s hero. This one man war machine again dons John Rambo style headband and uses the art of stealth to progress without too much attention drawing strafe. Snake: beret off, we salute you.
Capcom utilises its cel shaded sprites for the gaming world and combat giving this a retro chic feel to the fabulous looking battles complete with obligatory, over-the-top, outlandish special moves. Looks like a retro Ghibli anime.
One on One Beat Em Up
Update of the fine fight fest from the Dreamcast school of kung-fu comes a simultaneous four player update with PS2 exclusive characters and a survival mode. The mighty multiplayer match-ups also allow for three on one battles where the combos and throws really come into their own with a dedicated turn button for when the opponent gets too close for comfort. Guity Gear Isuka also utilises additional planes of fighting like Fatal Fury did previously to ensure the screen doesn’t get too cramped. But the real icing on the cake is the side scrolling beat ’em up complete with mean bosses and the ability to unleash special moves.
Brilliant Merchandise
Six different Sega designs to these shopper bags to make you the envy of your local supermarket, if not gaming convention. Two styles to represent each of the Mega Drive, Saturn and Dreamcast.
Nintendo Hardware
Vibrates in sync with the on screen action. Adds enjoyment to a long list of titles such as Star Fox, Mario 64, Wave Race, Golden Eye… Very panic inducing when used on Golden Eye and you don’t know where the shots are coming from.
Nintendo DS
A Japan exclusive and special release in that Club Nintendo members were the only ones able to obtain a copy. A tribute to the classic title and very tasty Game & Watch making good use of the DS’s merits and with clever single and multi player modes to extend the games longevity.
Nintendo Hardware
Many Super Famicom fans will savour the multi player games: be it sports games or Bomberman. This multitap keeps to the traditional SFC colours and does exactly what it says on the box.
Famicom Cart
One on One Beat Em Up
A classic case of a brilliant game released late into a hardwares life scale and as such some what slipping under the radar. A one on one fighter with some quirky differences that makes it a bit of a genre bender and all the more enjoyable for it. Anyway check out the Hardcore Gaming guide for a fine assessment… Virtua Fighter for the Famicom.
Shoot Em Up
Aleste is a well-respected series which has survived more skirmishes than the Millennium Falcon. This includes four versions of the game on the cart in: Aleste (Mark III), GG Aleste (Game Gear), GG Aleste II (Game Gear) and Power Strike II (Master System.)
Brilliant Switch
Shoot Em Up
Mushihimesama was developed by the hardcore’s most coveted Cave and welcomed to the Switch with open arms. Yet the love of the developer by it hardened crew is rarely reciprocated as cruel patterns of projectiles spray across the screen – a hard love that’s for sure. The title translates as Insect Princess and a genetically enhanced horde of creepy crawlies await the pretty princess. As you’d expect multiplier mayhem awaits those prepared to go easy on the smart bombs with the seasoned vet soon clocking up massive scores.
Shoot Em Up
Insane amount of projectiles on screen as the wee witches avoid the harmful ones whilst swooping on their brooms to grab the power ups needed to keep reciprocating the bullet barrage. Lovely graphical style to suit the witches theme.
Cult developer Beep turn their fine hand to a 2D slash ’em up with a real nod to the fine retro heritage that exists in this genre whilst clever use of pseudo 3D to keep the player perspiring and their adrenalin flowing. Gamers of a certain vintage will lap this up and be left positively purring.

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