New Arrivals - Games & Hardware
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All new arrivals. Use the menu to narrow your search.
Full of Sega’s arcade prowess making it to the DC via the Model 2 arcade board with a few cosmetic enhancements. Multiple routes are possible but this is just like its Hollywood counterpart Die Hard in that action comes above all else.
Eye catching arcade wizz converted with style and panache to the Dreamcast maintaining the dark, tragic, gothic feel of the arcade big brother. Requires a steady nerve and fast trigger finger. A real blast in two player.
From the Virtua school of wrestling comes this well executed special with tag options and plenty of wrestlers to choose from. The presentation is smooth with plenty of flashbulbs going off as the wrestlers ham it up as they head for the ring. Grappling is never dull with the array of specials on offer.
Famicom Cart
Gorgeous sprite levels and sounds lift this up to rival Zelda as one of the finest action RPGs on the Famicom. But its perhaps the more unnoticed level design that is worthy of higher praise and elevate this to seminal status.
Sega Saturn
Tricky controls at first, but thats the real beauty of this mech sim as the training mode eases you into the cockpit soon you’ll have mastered the buttons giving a great feeling of acomplishment as you lay waste to other mecha. The controls also feel clunky like the weight of the machine adding to the realism. Clever use of lighting and weather effects keep the realism whilst reducing the draw distance and visually its a joy to behold.
Sega Saturn
Red label warning in this hentai adventure known as ‘The People of Nonomura Hostpital’. One for the nurse fans then. These kind of games don’t get translated for Western markets, so if you wish to play invest in a kanji dictionary!
Sega Saturn
Clear the screen of coloured blocks by detonating them in chains to reveal the picture behind capturing various cityscapes and world-famous locales. Tactical thinking is required to generate the right chains and clear the screen. Strangely compelling.
Sega Saturn
The full title translates as “The schools spooky rumoured Hanako has appeared!” The action takes the form of slickly animated cartoon sequences in a simplistic style such as with Maruko chan. The colouring is dark and atmospheric with Hanako just a quick phone call away from giving help. But beware of wrong numbers summoning the spookier ghosts.
Sega Saturn
Shoot Em Up
Up there with the best of Saturn blast fests, which is no mean feat. Unique lock on system allows you to unleash untold destruction. Massive bosses. Clever sprite scaling makes for a great looking Tokyo to fly over as enemies scale in and out of range. Lovely attention to detail as shrapnel plummets to earth.
A fine stealth title as Lupin once again goes after the loot and Fujiko uses her booty. Creeping past infra red beams and sneaking by guards is the order of the day as whilst it is possible to fight, its best not to draw too much attention. A delightful series and worthy gaming translation. Just try not humming the theme tune.
Massive title in Japan as the driver steers a massive truck against a rival firm to be the first to deliver the consignment. The ‘Battle’ of the title comes from the dirty tricks required to cut off the rival driver to win the race. The ‘Art’ comes from the delightful designs that can be added to the truck with a few bob in your pocket complete with flashing chilli lights for the dashboard – a sign of good taste on the highways of Japan. Creative truckers can also spend some time creating their own designs. Full title: ‘Bakusou Dekotora Densetsu: Art Truck Battle.’
Captures the baton from the original Ridge Racer and runs on fumes passing the race girl and plenty of other sleek cars even with time for a quick look in the rear view mirror (albeit probably just to check their hair.) Continues the excitement of a new generation of gaming felt at the time.
Super Famicom
Shoot Em Up
Actually a port of ThunderForce III the seminal Saturn and more Mega Drive title of this era. Richly detailed mode 7 backgrounds compete for your attention amongst the swarms of enemy vessels. Not quite up to the mighty source material of ThunderForce III, but not much is.
Super Famicom
Rockman represents a pre-Beckham era when gamers were gamers and men were men. And Rockman is a real man: despite his diminutive appearance the level of obstacles in his way put him up there with Arthur in Ghouls and Ghosts in terms of tough nuts. Sprinting along collapsing platforms and getting stuck into the latest despot to block his path without so much as a sigh. Rockman, we salute you.
Super Famicom
Side Scrolling Beat Em Up
If you can get over the eighties glam look, Rushing Beat has some fine, frantic fighting action plus two player mode that Final Fight initially lacked. Includes the full intro that was inexplicably removed from the Western incarnations.
Super Famicom
Futuristic Super Famicom classic with jumps, power boosts and plenty of mad machines such as Hot Violet, Stingray and Crazy Horse making it a great gaming universe.
Super Famicom
One on One Beat Em Up
Conan style fight fest with plenty of swords, axes and scantily clad ladies to battle against. Sammy has a good arcade heritage and the mechanics see that it shines through here.
Super Famicom
Nothing too flash: the Willy Thorne of the pool genre. Not that it doesn’t dazzle at times and its not just the glare off the hot spot, but the fine ball mechanics and presentation. A very accomplished Super Famicom table game.
Nintendo DS
Brings the vibrancy and speed lines of the manga alive on the DS as it socks a real punch in its platform fight action. Relentless battle action, full of well-known characters from the world-famous manga books.
Famicom Disk System
A superb Nihon centric title as our hero (looking like a Shaolin priest) launches a series of slight of foot attacks: leaping ninja like between tile like platforms and dispatching fireballs in the direction of silent assassin adversaries. Plenty of hidden power ups to give a welcome boost to the quest that has a mystic, Buddhist feel to proceedings. Certainly the giant statue head has a oriental look: but dont admire for too long as its tongue comes out and it jumps around the screen. Known by its full title of Meiwaku Jiin Dababa.
Famicom Cart
Classic Nintendo gameplay as the player floats higher and higher on screen to float past the obstacles, but the perpetual motion makes control a distinct art: knowing when to drop anchor and when to float like a bee.