Western developed first person shooter set in an alternate universe in fifties Britain where WWII never took place. Instead the brainwashing Chimera have seen to the destruction of most the world and their powers over humanity can only be resisted by the few - thats the players cue. In setting the game as such Insomniac cleverly utilises the popular World War II theme but scripts for a few extras that wouldn't look out of place in War of the Worlds. If War of the Worlds was remade once again utilising the astounding graphical prowess of the PS3. Also features multiplayer mode where you must breach your opponents reactor leading to a few sweaty palms as you leave your core reactor unguarded. But its the co-operative two player mode that really gets the gamers going.
Brand new. Cero C rating: 16 and upwards - warning of violent scenes and grotesque imagery. Please note this is a Japanese title for the PlayStation 3.