
Here we have all the games in the Magazine Section.
Features a guide to the Famicom from 1983 to 1991 and a look into Treasure the developer.
First issue as the Dreamcast takes up the Saturn’s baton. The adverts are very well drawn and Saturn games still feature. Sonic Adventure, Sega Rally 2, Kita e, D2, Frame Gride, Blue Stinger, Climax Landers, Evolution, Incoming, Aero Dancing, Buggy Heat, Power Stone, Seventh Cross and Tetris 4D all feature along with a briefer look at upcoming releases at the time. Virtua Fighter 3tb, Pen Pen Triathlon, July and Godzilla get play guides along wit a couple of Saturn titles.
Players may well head straight for the DVD included along with double sided poster posing the tricky conundrum of Dead or Alive’s Kazumi or Makoto Aihara or Ms. Spencer from Rumble Roses. The DVD has footage of Ridge Racer 6, Onimush and Sega Rally along with briefer glimpses of Renegade, Capcom Classics Collection, Rumble Roses, Gunstar Heroes and Street Fighter Zero 3. The magazine is multi format and Dreamcast shooters Under Defeat and Radirgy get a brief look in. Also known as Dorimaga from the abbreviated Japanese.
Multi format magazine famed in Japan with reviews that can make or break a game. Covers many bases with a look at gaming soundtracks perhaps of interest to Genki’s conscientious gamers. The adverts look very eye catching too.
Full colour guide to this special doujin fight title with all the specials listed and some lavish lines illustrating the games varied protagonists and pugilists. Incredibly comprehensive.
A release to celebrate all that is good and wholesome with the Mini SFC. Jammed packed with screenshots and hints.
A tribute to the crack unit that was Toaplan and its beast Ultimate Tiger. Definitely the A-Team of shooter stables. The art is exceptional bringing the action and explosions to life. Also features Musihimesama, Under Defeat HD, Steel Empire (MD) and little know Windows shooter Valhellio.
The handheld special featuring the legendary Nintendo Game & Watch titles plus other LCD handhelds from other companies. Also includes articles on the interchangeable handhelds such as the Game Boy, Game Gear, PC Engine GT and Lynx. Further features include games with 3D dungeons amongst a host of retrospective snipets.
Very professional publication covering the retro scene with info on PC Engine, Saturn, Dreamcast, Playstation, Nintendo, Atari and the Mega Drive amongst others.
Cover Feature on Dragon’s Lair 2 with a complete guide to released Intellivision games with a photo checklist. The ‘Made in JapanEfeature is based on the rhythm action scene covering titles such as Cool Cool Toon and Jam, Vib Ribbon and cross genre releases. Sega RPG expert Working Designs is treated to a release profile.
Sega Saturn special. An article on Major Damage – a little known canned Saturn title along with a top five Saturn release list. The Made in Japan article focuses on the Saturn, along with a feature on the Saturn, phtoto checklist on US boxes, article on soundtracks plus general reviews.

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