
Here we have all the games in the Puzzle Section.
Last Compile release in the series which compiles the Mega Drive versions of Puyo Puyo and Puyo Puyo 2 adding four player modes and a Pocket Station interaction mode. The real bonus is the quest mode which allows players to challenge the imaginative inhabitants of the Puyo world to battles in order to progress.
Puyo Puyo is Japanese onomatopoeia for something soft to touch, referring to the jelly like balls that fall from the sky to be aligned with similar colours in this saccharine soaked, kawaii puzzler. Highly accomplished version which was re-released to introduce its polished gameplay to the PS2 crew.
Puyo Puyo is Japanese onomatopoeia for something soft to touch, referring to the jelly like balls that fall from the sky to be aligned with similar colours in this saccharine soaked, kawaii puzzler. Highly accomplished version which was re-released to introduce its polished gameplay to the PS2 crew.
Nintendo 64
Puyo Puyo is Japanese onomatopoeia for something soft to touch, referring to the jelly like balls that fall from the sky to be aligned with similar colours in this saccharine soaked, kawaii puzzler.
Super Famicom
The essence of pure two player competitive action. Match up balloons of the same colour to clear your screen. So simple, yet so fiendishly compulsive. Essential after hours entertainment.
GameBoy Color
It’s the superb characterisation especially as found in the various characters inhabiting the story mode that make for such a winning combination when mixed with Taitos tried and tested action puzzle gameplay. A rarer version of the puzzler featuring the well loved Bob and Bub.
GameBoy Original
Clear the blocks from the screen by shooting them to extend their length and turn them into big squares. They then disappear in time for another wave descending down the screen.
Famicom Cart
Clear the blocks from the screen by shooting them to extend their length and turn them into big squares. They then disappear in time for another wave descending down the screen.
Super Famicom
Pretty in pink sums up much of the Sailor Moon world and this block based puzzler is no exception. Nice animation to the players whose rivalry positively crackles with electricity across the screen. Either clear your screen or wait for you opponent to fill up in this snappy puzzle tie in. Full title: Bishojo Senshi Sailor Moon S Kondo wa Puzzle de Oshioki yo.
Super Famicom
A real retro romp with players basically matching lines of Hudson inspired characters faces such as the Aladdin inspired heads or the ghosts. Strangely compelling with the main gimmick being the base cart remains the same whilst the smaller cart fitting into the slot can be interchanged. The title is a pun on the characters for shark (same) and turtle (game.)
Famicom Cart
Line up the colourful characters from the famed Sanrio series, with none more infamous than Hello Kitty herself, in this fine and dandy Puyo Puyo tribute.
Sega Saturn
Light hearted puzzle and quiz title which excels in multiplayer especially with a multitap. Varied action keeps things fresh and ticking along very nicely.
Sega Saturn
Light hearted puzzle and quiz title which excels in multiplayer especially with a multitap. Varied action keeps things fresh and ticking along very nicely.
Sega Saturn
Light hearted puzzle and quiz title which excels in multiplayer especially with a multitap. Varied action keeps things fresh and ticking along very nicely in Tanto R, whilst the Shukudai (or ‘homework’) game may prove a bit of a chore without linguistic skills.
GameBoy Original
Clever and cunning strategy is required to take down the opponent snake by encircling them and trapping them within the serpent’s body. Power ups and random mini snake attacks add to the variables and may distract from the best course of action.
Super Famicom
A puzzle off-shoot of the Ganbare Goemon world in which the rotund Ebisumaru must be guided through isometric puzzles through manipulating the terrain that lies ahead of him. Plenty of familiar looking chaps pop up and bonus items add an extra dimension to gameplay  whether or not to go out of the way to collect them. But bumbling Ebisumaru plods on regardless of the surrounds so care must be taken to keep him onboard.
Super Famicom
Very pleasant puzzler of the Puyo Puyo ilk but slightly more cerebral with some splendid power ups and fun two player match ups.
Super Famicom
A varient on the Puyo Puyo theme with different coloured bomberman helmets requiring alignment before the obligatory boom. Four player matches are a blast as the screen accomodates all players at once.
Super Famicom
A varient on the Puyo Puyo theme with different coloured bomberman helmets requiring alignment before the obligatory boom. Four player matches are a blast as the screen accomodates all players at once.
Super Famicom
A nice twist on the squishy Puyo Puyo empire that sees players having to tackle predetermined screens of the jelly like beans. But there are RPG elements first before the player gets to the puzzles as our heroine, Rulue, takes centre stage. Full title: Super Nazo Puyo 2 Ruru no Tetsuwan Hanjyouki.
Taito’s trusty puzzle title remains as addictive as ever in this competent PS2 conversion. The in-game characters have been revamped making for bizarre rivals that would seem more at home in Parappa The Rapper, Vib Ribbon or Rhyme Rider Kerorican.
Super Famicom
Bumper package of Tetris 2 plus Bombliss: Tetris with a wee twist in that successfully completed rows make bombs that can then be detonated by completing that row. The results can clear away a huge proportion of the screen and tactical explosions add an extra element to the fine original Tetris without detracting from its core values. Known in the West as Tetris Blast.
One of the earlier releases for the DC bringing the classic Russian puzzler to the table for up to four players. Multiplayer madcap mayhem assured.
GameBoy Original
A rather neat puzzle title where shapes must be matched up in fours with the top score (and some fine visual pyrotechnics to celebrate) being reached via matching up all seventy two shapes. Different options on offer in terms of shapes to use for those spooked by the traditional stones.
All your favourite high school characters in a Puyo Puyo style saccharine sweet puzzle game. Boutique babe Ms. Kagami is a favourite in the Genki office.
A highly-collectable puzzle game in which players must get their brains thinking on the lines of triangles to slot them together and deliver punishing chains to your opponent. A cheery array of characters and enjoyable in-game animations for those with enough time to glance at them. Developer Santos is better known for Airgrave and Stahlfeder on the format.
Virtual Boy
Complete with the usual modes to adjust the speed and number of starting lines, but its the horizontally scrolling mode making full use of the VB’s 3D capabilities where this version really excels. Having to think about whats going on around the corner really adds a new element to the Tetris formula.
Famicom Cart
Exciting puzzle game with an overhead perspective that allows players to clearly view the action. Taking on the role of a bionic man, players must try and fill up the screen with blocks which they constantly trail from behind. Yet skilful control whilst keeping an eye out for trapping yourself against your own blocks are the keys to beating your opponent. Good, gaming, wholesome fun.
Highly original puzzler from Sony where you must throw dice to clear the board. Simple, but painfully addictive as all good puzzlers should be. Also known as Devil Dice.
Famicom Cart
The cookies of the title must be aligned by scrolling the biscuits horizontally and vertically. Two player mode makes for frantic action as success can temporarily mask a key area of players cookie tray. Simple, fun and Nintendo.


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