Designed to be used on one on one fighters such as a certain Capcom title whose name escapes me. The unusual ergonomic design looks a bit bizarre, but it works a treat fitting snugly and improving even Genki’s fight prowess and special move success rate.
A very recognisable cap worthy of doffing your own hat to. Probably best not worn, especially to prevent the DS, DSi or DS Lite that can be stashed inside its pouch from taking a shock to the system.
A chunkier King Slime uses his fine, rotund girth to good effect as up to three DS carts can be stored in the reverse. A handy way to carry games and keep the pins clean.
The original design allows you to play Japanese Famicom titles as well as having seven titles built in to the console itself bringing back some heady memories. However it is not compatible with every game released for the Famicom system, there are some that won’t run on it.
Sticks to the fine layout of the SFC original, but also has a special mode for use with Garou Densetsu 2 to allow simple execution of special moves. Overall a very smooth pad is jet black finish.
Four player adaptor for the vintage GameBoy handheld allowing multiplayer mayhem in suitably retro tinged venues throughout the retro world. Forget Wi Fi: this is the way to attain retro kudos on your commute.
Nice curio of an AC adaptor for those with a step down who just want to plug in and play their GameBoy Pocket, Light or Color, albeit with a step down transformer in the UK.
A small device for the GameBoy Pocket, Light or Color allowing users to get an extra boost in charge without using up batteries. The unit plugs into the charger (not supplied) and soon charges up to give extra gameplay time.
A small device for the GameBoy Pocket, Light or Color allowing users to get an extra boost in charge without using up batteries. The unit plugs into the charger (supplied) and soon charges up to give extra gameplay time.
Snazzy little set designed to free the dirt from cart pins and also to slot into the back of the GameBoy to ensure nothing gets between the handheld and a good, retro blast. Comes in a cardboard box set the same size as a GameBoy cart box.
A must for the Pikachu aficionado allowing the carts of six versions to be stashed away and on display. Each cart space has the correct picture of it behind.