Here we have all the games in the PS3 Section.
Update of the seminal Dreamcast series that combined arcade mechanics with deeper techniques to produce a well rounded game of tennis that was an absolute joy to play. The raw power of the PS3 does the arcade smash justice with some amazing rallies possible due to the well rounded mechanics. Genki just wishes Ms. Anna Kournikova was still on the circuit…
Baseball game simulator that looks like watching a televised game with the switch of cameras and succinct commentary. Very slick.
Western developed first person shooter set in an alternate universe in fifties Britain where WWII never took place. Instead the brainwashing Chimera have seen to the destruction of most the world and their powers over humanity can only be resisted by the few – thats the players cue. In setting the game as such Insomniac cleverly utilises the popular World War II theme but scripts for a few extras that wouldn’t look out of place in War of the Worlds. If War of the Worlds was remade once again utilising the astounding graphical prowess of the PS3. Also features multiplayer mode where you must breach your opponents reactor leading to a few sweaty palms as you leave your core reactor unguarded. But its the co-operative two player mode that really gets the gamers going.
Gorgeous graphics as the immense dragons swoop down from the skies to attack the hapless foot soldiers. Add to that exquisite audio that shows the degree of Sonys expertise in making the PS3 sound like a mythical sirens call and at last the legend of Panzer Dragoon has some worthy homage.
Genki’s lack of moral fibre again comes to the fore in visiting the Cat Fight Club, ten pin bowling, or down the Sega Arcade enjoying Outrun, Fantasy Zone, Hang-On, Space Harrier and Beluga; rather than being out on the streets sorting out yakuza with more tattoos and scars than there are RPGs on the Super Famicom. Superbly executed, as stylish as ever. Shades, shadier folk, getting attacked in the urinals, tattoos, bad boy bosses – who would begrudge Genki a wee dram in the local snack later on in the day? The spiritual successor to Shenmue continues to go from strength to strength.Shades, shadier folk, getting attacked in the urinals, tattoos, bad boy bosses – who would begrudge Genki a wee dram in the local snack later on in the day? The spiritual successor to Shenmue continues to go from strength to strength. #spiritofshenmue
Smoking cigarettes like Kojak pops in lollipops and looking like a Snatcher detective, but our hero walks a thin line between law and the yakuza. Mini games of button tapping karaoke, golf, bowling, darts, shoot em up, even oil massages from models are on offer to distract Shenmue style from the main quest. But lapping these up like a salaryman forgetting the daily grind will soon lead to a queue of street flotsam awaiting to make your acquaintance. An epic quest, Shenmue III if you like, for the strong nerved and willed.
Cracking series with plenty of the spirit of Shenmue in there alongside some runs ins with street scum and build up to big boss battles which have huge artistic input into their choreography. Plenty of side line off shoot scrapes: popping into the shop for a helpful rice ball boost, but best to avoid popping to the karaoke or snack bar too much. It may be a bit gaming by numbers, but in Genkis humble opinion it is worthy of far greater accolades.
Tattooed veterans of the series will know what to expect from this instalment: explosions, briefcases of Yen, scarred faces and tattooed torsos and plenty of fisticuffs. Add into the mull a beautiful J Pop star, ramen shops and baseball and I think its fair to say it covers all bases and in fine fettle.
Thanks to clever snow and fogging effects, it really does feel that you are in the midst of an epic battle with quick combos required to avoid getting swamped in a mass of foot soldiers. Lavish costumes and triple A acting are evidence Koei has really gone to town once again on its silky dynasty.
Ancient China never looked so good as Koei not only takes advantage of the beautiful setting, but also uses the artistic license provided by rich mythology as players fend off tigers and use a giant mushroom to sweep away the armies of ten thousand. The lighting effects and sheer amount of on screen action truly boggle.
The sheer scale of the battles beggars belief as the intriguing roster of characters comes to the fore in this immense, epic series.
One on One Beat Em Up
Realistic approach to the eternally youthful street fighting series with the pugilists looking more like a Western designed PVC figurine, if that makes sense. The stages are superb: those dim sums look delicious in Chun Li’s stage. Well-oiled play mechanics from the king of the ring Capcom.
The fifteenth anniversary of the Tales of series is celebrated in this intense instalment with epic worlds to explore and full-on combat. The battles are a real treat and give the player plenty of opportunity to shine. Visually stunning too combining various graphical skills and looks to result in a game world and cut-scenes of breath-taking proportions.
One on One Beat Em Up
Well worth the wait as Sega polishes its massive series to create a visual punch capable of knocking players out cold for the count. Pugilists flow like water with seamless animation making it at times difficult to concentrate on countering the attacks, such is the graphical splendour. And its not only the players full of fluidity Ethe waterfall level will take a few attempts to get used to before players can focus fully on the battle in-hand. Seventeen playable fighters with some vicious special moves to master to become king of the arcades as players tour round the game centres fighting new challengers. Master is the operative word with ranking determined by performance against tougher opponents with the ultimate aim being to reach tenth dan. So the dojo is a sound place to start for some solid training in the foundations. Tournament mode allows competitors to pick up money or a new outfit to radically alter the player’s on-screen persona’s appearance.
The Winning Eleven series arrives on the PS3 with all the graphical whizz bang wallop one might expect from the Sony powerhouse adding an extra tier to the atmosphere. Yet this is no FIFA: only the well-worked move will result in a rippling onion bag with the play engine being further honed towards a modern masterpiece. The AI is varied and being all-important to the league challenge, makes for a fine knock round in 1P mode. Crossing and heading works a treat as Genki found: getting to the by-line a traditional yet preferred choice of attack. If England fans can bear the reminder from the front cover…
The Winning Eleven series arrives on the PS3 with all the graphical whizz bang wallop one might expect from the Sony powerhouse adding an extra tier to the atmosphere. Yet this is no FIFA: only the well-worked move will result in a rippling onion bag with the play engine being further honed towards a modern masterpiece. The AI is varied and being all-important to the league challenge, makes for a fine knock round in 1P mode. Crossing and heading works a treat as Genki found: getting to the by-line a traditional yet preferred choice of attack. If England fans can bear the reminder from the front cover…
Every update seems to get closer to the game with it now seemingly easier to score from corners as in the real game and with an updated working of the offside law – shame that cant be applied to the linemen in the real game. The ultimate selling point of this title is the inclusion of the Champions League set up.
Winning Eleven is the Japanese name for Pro Evolution Soccer and the series has its own distinct style. As with FIFA and its more consistent passing and shooting system with its roots deep in previous incarnations, Winning Eleven has less predicable passing and shooting and as such, can feel closer to the real game. Granted it lacks a little of FIFA’s gloss in places, but its rough edges make it all the more loveable.
Good scale to proceedings to be able to put on a burst of pace past a clambering defender, but still be able to see that killer through pass from the strikers run ahead. Oozes atmosphere with great attention to detail in the stadia and their dedicated supporters.

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