Here we have all the games in the PS4 Section.
Shoot Em Up
Battle Garegga, Feveron, Kingdom Granprix plus Ketsui with the M2 gadget feature gives even the most grizzled shoot em up veterans plenty to get their teeth into, providing they remove the grenade pin in there already. The PS4 seems to have taken on the Xbox 360s mantle of master of shooters.
Few will forget their first blast on Kikikaikai. The initial barrier was to be able to pronounce it to the local importer in the pre-internet days. And despite being just the early nineties, few gamers were sufficiently cross-pollinated with games of its ilk to understand the ensuing cultural chaos. Not that it requires understanding with fast paced shooting fury the order of the day. Yet a randy raccoon tanuki friend that can deflect shots with his tail did raise a few eyebrows. The Shinto inspired Japanese blaster draws on mythology as necks extend inexplicably and one-eyed umbrella ghosts hop past. Cultural references aplenty all in a luscious sprite-based world driving gamers on to see more. Unrelenting pace as you the priestess battle against all the evil of underworld armed with nothing more than a purification branch. A Super Famicom classic well-worthy of this fine update and hopefully new and old audience with new playable characters. Known in the West as Pocky and Rocky.
Square Enix takes on Metal Gear Solid with stealth the order of the day, such as tossing an object over the barricade to distract the guards. Equally the odd Molotov cocktail does the same job. Set in a wintry East with snow falling, the mission is to regain control through sabotage of the rogue Mechs taking over.
A stable with a fine production line of shiny coated thoroughbreds and this particular RPG is as shiny as they come with outlandish graphics. But from such a wise old stable comes the story worthy of the legendary status Nihon Falcom holds in the role playing world. Known in Japan as Nayuta no Kiseikai: Kai.
🥇Game of the Week
Game of the Week PS4
One on One Beat Em Up
A veritable dojo of martial artists and super heroes with the full roster being made of: X-Men, Marvel Super Heroes, X-Men vs Street Fighter, Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Marvel vs Capcom, Marvel vs Capcom 2 and The Punisher. Only The Punisher hasn’t featured on Genki in previous format releases being a coin-op, but the Final Fight format will feel very much at home to Capcom connoisseurs and cognoscenti.
The survival battle action of the like of FortNite where players can co-operate or go it alone, Rambo-style against the hordes of zombie invaders. The use of materials to build bases or block gunfire is a must, along with unleashing brutal bursts of firepower, but the use of stealth in chucking a grenade or using the sniper rifle is a nod to the Metal Gear license.
One on One Beat Em Up
Online battles for your team of up to four ninjas going head to head, foot to foot and fist to fist with other teams making for great tension and epic battles.
The Persona world is rich with characters and it sits smoothly (toe tapping away) in this rhythm action game with those able to keep the buttons in the right order able to unleash some devastating dancefloor combos.
One on One Beat Em Up
A fight fest that stands tall on its own two feet regardless of the fine use of the colourful Persona world is the best compliment Genki can pay it. Come have a go at its brash neon scenes and slick specials if you think you are hard enough.
Shoot Em Up
Strikers 1945, Strikers 1945 II, Strikers 1999, Zero Gunner 2, Sol Divide and Dragon Blaze will have shooter veterans in raptures. Strikers 1999 and Dragon Blaze are certainly worth further investigation from fans of the old school blaster.
Shoot Em Up
Gunbird, Gunbird 2, Gunbarich, Sengoku Ace, Sengoku Cannon and Sengoku Blade on show like a yakuza’s tattoos as Psikyo whips its shirt off and flexes its back-catalogue muscles. Genki loves the Sengoku series varied locales and ships that combine the future and past of Japan in one crazy melee.
Shoot Em Up
Achieves an incredible sense of 3D depth to this top blaster with cunning use of polygons that get effortlessly tossed around on screen for some stunning ships to take down. The barrage of bullets look beautiful against the black of deep space and this is well worthy of a look for even the most grizzled of shooter veterans.
Shoot Em Up
True to its roots with organic bosses and power ups to bring back the nostalgia. The cut-scenes are a delight and the thrill of illuminating a dank, claustrophobic corner of the level with laser pyrotechnics is a delight.
Shoot Em Up
Cult developer Beep is appropriately drawn to this distinctive looking shooter that harks back to the cel-shaded original for its inspiration. The look really makes it stand out from the crowd and will no-doubt be fondly recalled with those familiar with its predecessors. Sometimes spelt Radilgy.
Shoot Em Up
Cult developer Beep is appropriately drawn to this distinctive looking shooter that harks back to the cel-shaded original for its inspiration. The look really makes it stand out from the crowd and will no-doubt be fondly recalled with those familiar with its predecessors. Sometimes spelt Radilgy.
Shoot Em Up
There is a beauty in two players shooting the daylights out of all and sundry in tandem as the background gives a near 3D perception of depth with giant turrets and lunar landscapes. The soundtrack truly rocks: a very important factor in shoot em ups to keep the adrenalin pumping and the eyelids from blinking.
Shoot Em Up
There is a beauty in two players shooting the daylights out of all and sundry in tandem as the background gives a near 3D perception of depth with giant turrets and lunar landscapes. The soundtrack truly rocks: a very important factor in shoot em ups to keep the adrenalin pumping and the eyelids from blinking.
Shoot Em Up
Famed Fighter Jet Blaster Raiden IV gets a Mikado Game Centre remix with various modes and selectable ships plus a soundtrack so full of guitar riffs you’ll end up playing on a knee slide, if the projectile hell doesn’t break you first. Superb execution from a thoroughbred shooter stable that keeps on giving.
Shoot Em Up
Famed Fighter Jet Blaster Raiden IV gets a Mikado Game Centre remix with various modes and selectable ships plus a soundtrack so full of guitar riffs you’ll end up playing on a knee slide, if the projectile hell doesn’t break you first. Superb execution from a thoroughbred shooter stable that keeps on giving.
Shoot Em Up
Raiden has always had a Top Gun battalion of dedicated followers and the love is reciprocated to its core crew by Moss in this fest for the retinas to try and absorb.  The multi-directional scrolling adds an extra element for gamers to get to grips with, as if they didn’t have enough on their plate with the projectile hell. Yet there are plenty of nods to the series rich heritage, including the ships. So let the upbeat tunes keep your adrenalin pumping and trigger finger firing.
🥇Game of the Week
Shoot Em Up
Raiden has always had a Top Gun battalion of dedicated followers and the love is reciprocated to its core crew by Moss in this fest for the retinas to try and absorb.  The multi-directional scrolling adds an extra element for gamers to get to grips with, as if they didn’t have enough on their plate with the projectile hell. Yet there are plenty of nods to the series rich heritage, including the ships. So let the upbeat tunes keep your adrenalin pumping and trigger finger firing.
Shoot Em Up
Moss excels under the weight of the series history taking it to Mach speed whilst respecting the ships and attack meters of the much-loved plane-based shooter. The hardware permits for new dimensions of bullet hell and its a good job for You Tube to be able to assess later levels, such is the pitiful progress Genki has made thus far. A fine title even considering the excellence attained in part IV that tips its wings to those that have served bravely before.
Shoot Em Up
Moss excels under the weight of the series history taking it to Mach speed whilst respecting the ships and attack meters of the much-loved plane-based shooter. The hardware permits for new dimensions of bullet hell and its a good job for You Tube to be able to assess later levels, such is the pitiful progress Genki has made thus far. A fine title even considering the excellence attained in part IV that tips its wings to those that have served bravely before.
Shoot Em Up
Happy days are here again with this sublime compilation full of awe and thunder as Taito raids its back catalogue and pulls Rayforce, Raystorm, Raystorm Neo HD, Raycrisis and Raycrisis HD out of the hat. The originals fit like a nice par of slippers whilst the HD versions demonstrate the raw power of the Taito tech heads with retina burning lasers looking truly stunning.
Shoot Em Up
Happy days are here again with this sublime compilation full of awe and thunder as Taito raids its back catalogue and pulls Rayforce, Raystorm, Raystorm Neo HD, Raycrisis and Raycrisis HD out of the hat. The originals fit like a nice par of slippers whilst the HD versions demonstrate the raw power of the Taito tech heads with retina burning lasers looking truly stunning.
Shooting action but with a friendly feel, a bit like it is set in the Wild West area of Disneyland. Nice to have a more frivolous shooter amongst the many that take themselves too seriously.
Return to traditional Japanese feudal roots with plenty of sword fighting along with the odd bit of fishing and farming. Dramatic, cinematic tension with plenty of fun sub-quests in this spiritual successor to Shenmue.
Has a real North American feel to the hugely impressive cityscapes and sandy trailer parks in this all out action quest. Equally impressive is the varied gameplay with bare knuckle fighting (and any other items that can be swung around close to hand), gun fights, bike rides and plenty of other vehicles. A real big budget Hollywood feel with plenty of thrills and spills.
A fine deviant from the usual gal on gal fight fest with the pretty protagonists taking to having a water fight. Surprising depth to the gameplay with power jumps and slides a must to progress and avoid a soaking. Fine roster of water pistols too.
One on One Beat Em Up
The spirit of traditional Japan with low lying roof eaves and narrow streets meets the kawaii obsession of modern Japan with Puyo Puyos taking the brunt of the shinobi ninja girl power. Intense action and more speed lines than a copy of Shonen Jump manga.

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