Here we have all the games in the PS4 Section.
The legend returns to the PS4 to bring joy to the many devotees who never lost hope of a revival of their flame for Ryo and his quest to avenge his fathers death. Albeit not a sequel, but fingers crossed for a successful release and the momentum that would create. Said to be the originator of open world exploration, the towns and cities look beautiful and the characters in them are either charming or despicable. And we need the less savoury street vermin for Ryo to dispatch. It wouldn’t be the same laying into the fine folk. And the fight system, based on the Virtua Fighter engine, is still purring like a treat, now also coming with the choice of fighting style.
Shoot Em Up
With the series having started as Moon Cresta, followed by Terra Cresta, we now have Sol Cresta and the outer space galaxy setting looks superb as a background to the frantic on screen blasting action. Vertically scrolling and making fine use of modern hardware to flip around some serious hardware that our vessel must take down. Great to see so many fine shooters being released for all to savour.
Much-loved Famicom game gets a multiplayer remake and it looks quite fabulous on the PS4. Yet fans who recall the original will also savour the Famicom version being included. Coveys the dank, dark cavernous nature of the levels beautifully with the lighting processing power. Safety hats off to Tozai for this labour of love.
The isometric world looks fantastic with the attention to detailed paid to it seemingly excruciating. The combat interface is seamless and the action moves along sweeping you up in its many charms. The characters look and sound amazing, none more so that the lovely Lorraine Luckshaw.
One on One Beat Em Up
Ex members of crack 2D outfit SNK put their heads together and unleash furious combos in this sequel with the power of the PS4 ensuring the future truly is now. Genki harks back to King of the Fighters series with the slick combos, and well-proportioned characters with the obligatory skill factor being all important, as opposed to button mashing.
Shoot Em Up
Ensuring future generations understand why ‘All Your Base Are Belong To Us’ with Zero Wing leading the assault, backed up more than admirably by Hellfire: the arcade machine from the vintage year of 1989. Also released on the Mega Drive and PC Engine, the anime cinematics and ripe old gameplay with selectable shot direction and the possibility to have two players simultaneously a feature to write home about of its era. One unique feature of Zero Wing the tractor beam that allows you to suck up enemy vessels into your ship to fire them out again or use them as a shield. Then the bonus Horror Story is a real treat for fans of the era: a delightful B movie horror feel to this platform shooter complete with ghosts that look like rejects from Mr Vampire and priestess on floating clouds from Chinese Ghost Story on the oriental themed level one with spooky musical score. The main character looks like the lead from Slime World and can be joined by a friend for two player co-operative play. Further delights include the ghost ship level. A rare non-shooter release from Toaplan, but this conversion has preserved the characteristic difficulty.
Shoot Em Up
Insane amount of projectiles on screen as the wee witches avoid the harmful ones whilst swooping on their brooms to grab the power ups needed to keep reciprocating the bullet barrage. Lovely graphical style to suit the witches theme.
Shoot Em Up
Dream compilation for the new and old generation with the Famicom and Arcade versions of Tiger Heli: Toaplan show their flair for explosive onslaughts as players pilot the helicopter through 1942 style warfare based levels. Gameplay is well thought out and most importantly fair. A very solid Famicom shooter that lead to the Ultimate Tiger sequel, also conveniently included in Arcade, Twin Cobra, PC Engine, Famicom and mega Drive incarnations: Vertically scrolling helicopter based blaster. Think 1941 with copters for planes. Taito once again showing its expertise in crafting very competent shooters. Also known as Kyukyoku Tiger. Finally includes a bit of side scrolling fight action in Get Star for some light relief from the bullet barrage.
Unlike most platformers super hero style jumps aren’t possible – instead a trusty fishing rod is used to latch onto platforms and guide our schoolgirl heroine around. But here she must tackle other adversaries in a sort of Power Stone meets Smash Bros battle melee.
Gorgeous graphical style like a watercolour with backgrounds that seem to seep and move as sleekly as the onscreen fight scenes. The combat interface is superb and Square Enix has maintained the series status as one of the many jewels in its crown as king of the genre with this regal release.

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