A fine foray through the Mega Drive releases of Thunderforce II, II and IV. Some scintillating arrange versions. Captures the frantic fury of the seminal STG series. Sadly the Techno Soft Store in now defunct.
A six track pre order bonus to accompany the sleek scrapper and a nice collectable for fans of the series. Only available to those who had preordered the PS3 version of the game entitled BlazBlue Continuum Shift.
Twenty tracks weighing in at over an hour in this tribute to the 3DS version of Fire Emblem. Beautiful presentation of the CD with picture disk and fold out inlay and some divine inspiration into the tracks on offer. Being a Club Nintendo item it was only on offer in Japan to holders of enough points.
A Club Nintendo of Japan exclusive brought out to celebrate Zeldas 25th Anniversary and its an anniversary well worth celebrating. All the colour and drama of the series contained in one CD: its hard not to whistle along. Weighs in at a mighty fifty one tracks.
Club mixes of some sublime Eighties chip tunes classics from the Family Computer system. Twenty toe-tapping tracks including Gradius, Ganbare Goemon, Son Son, Salamander, Twinbee, Contra, Dracula II and Ghouls and Ghosts. Geek chic at its finest.
Twenty-one gaming based tracks on this fine single CD including toe tapping beauts from Persona, Sengoku Basara and Idol Master with more spine chilling numbers from Fate/Zero and Devil Survivor. All loving mixed by DJ Ponpon.
Eight tracks that delve deeper into space than any Virgin manned flight. Fitting tribute to a fine series, yet the best compliment we can pay is that it stands up perfectly well as a music CD alone. Twin lasers all round.
Fifteen tracks from the arcade guitar and drum simulators including ‘Destiny Lovers’ and ‘Bobby Sue & Skinny Jim’. Add vocals to your best arcade performance to draw in a real crowd!
Champion Wrestler, Hell’s Journey, Kikikaikai, Rastan Saga II, Parasol Stars, New Zealand Story, Don Doko Don and Cadash make up the toe tapping roster to bring back the nostalgia of some sublime games and tunes.
Some fine chip tunes from the PC Engine Hall of Fame including tracks from CD Denjin, PC Kid 3, and Y’s IV. A great tribute to some of the finest 8Bit games out there and PC Engine fans will lap this up.
Funky, fresh, fly-guy Hideki Naganuma shows off his talents in this cracking CD based on the X-Box incarnation. Perfectly suited to the gameplay, but equally stands alone as a fine compilation of modern Tokyo tunes.
The appropriately named Sakura Flamingo Laboratory takes on the popular Dreamcast shooter Crows and adds its own flamboyant twist to the STG action. The crack developer unit takes influence from many forms of media and the soundtrack is in keeping with its experimental style.
Grandiose titles for appropriately regal sounding scores with titles such as Battle III, Royal Captain Avalan and Dracovantel. Square Enix on top form again.
Fresh, funky tunes from the Grev master blaster. Tracks are aptly named: Blossom Shower, Tropical Pirates and, in Genki’s case, The Curse Again. Twenty three tracks of sick beats to savour. Reminiscent in parts to YMO tunes. Full title: Mamoru Kun wa Norowarete.
A small art booklet plus soundtrack featuring five tracks, plus the opening theme tune plus comments by the various stars of the adventure. Nicely presented in a small file.
Released along side the PSP update of the Playstation original twelve years on, yet still as charmingly refreshing as when first released. Includes remixed and rearranged tracks as well as originals with Gatten Sushi and Velvet Room amongst the ten top tracks.
Over an hour of choice choons to celebrate a cracking fight fest with a great sense of humour. Hopefully old lady Otane’s denture snapping attack or knicker elastic twanging celebration isn’t amongst those effects. Based on the arcade version known as Goketsuji Ichizoku Saikyo Densetsu.
Forty-three tracks for adrenalin junkies from Zero Gunner and Zero Gunner 2. Zero Gunner 2 is a particularly cherished title for the Dreamcast these days.
Quickman, Hardman, Dr. Wily, Frostman and not forgetting Mr. X all guest in this Techno fest from the Rockman series. Suited to the musical genre in the relentless beats keeping the adrenaline flowing, the CD also features some slick and pretty sick samples from the series.
A rip roaring CD with two games covered in the eighteen tracks from Hyper Duel and the four arrange tracks from Thunderforce III including the bizarrely named ‘His behaviour inspired us with distrust.’ Shame the Technosoft Store is no more.
Eighteen tracks as fresh as the blue skies and giant fish that appear in game. Only available as a preorder gift with the 3DS version of this series with strong retro roots on the Super Famicom and Playstation.
A fine and appropriately quirky bonus disk to accompany the off the wall Seaman 2 game released on the PS2. Nice collectable for fans of the Sega star.