
Here we have all the games in the Shooter Section.
Gungrave Overdose proves you can’t have too much of a good thing with its overhead third person perspective adding to the gameplay and adrenalin. Not that it need cranking up: the tension is high from the very off with the introduction. The story is full oof twists and intrigue – not that there’s much need to ponder it. Top end (Red) Entertainment.
Famicom Cart
Vertically scrolling helicopter shooter with the heli sounding a little kaput as it takes down enemy bases and tanks, planes ships: pretty much an entire battalion.
Nintendo 64
Fantasy first person shooter with appropriately eerie music and dark, dank cavernous levels where switches must be activated to progress. Plenty of weapons to help and they are needed with many a beasty hid behind secret doors.
Famicom Cart
Run and gun action from the past masters SNK as players can almost feel the grenade pin gripped between their teeth. Being from the day when games were a challenge rather than a steady progression, the action is tough and the onslaughts relentless. Thankfully tanks and helicopters can be commandeered in order to progress.
XBOX 360
A very North American feel to the first person shooting action as players use flash manoeuvres to get through the levels and let rip at the opposition. Hiding behind preferably bullet proof columns and utilising stealth helps, but the rock soundtrack encourages a trigger happy approach. Nice to see the scope being used on the gun, harking back to Goldeneye on the 64.
Few will forget their first blast on Kikikaikai. The initial barrier was to be able to pronounce it to the local importer in the pre-internet days. And despite being just the early nineties, few gamers were sufficiently cross-pollinated with games of its ilk to understand the ensuing cultural chaos. Not that it requires understanding with fast paced shooting fury the order of the day. Yet a randy raccoon tanuki friend that can deflect shots with his tail did raise a few eyebrows. The Shinto inspired Japanese blaster draws on mythology as necks extend inexplicably and one-eyed umbrella ghosts hop past. Cultural references aplenty all in a luscious sprite-based world driving gamers on to see more. Unrelenting pace as you the priestess battle against all the evil of underworld armed with nothing more than a purification branch. A Super Famicom classic well-worthy of this fine update and hopefully new and old audience with new playable characters. Known in the West as Pocky and Rocky Reshrined.
Few will forget their first blast on Kikikaikai. The initial barrier was to be able to pronounce it to the local importer in the pre-internet days. And despite being just the early nineties, few gamers were sufficiently cross-pollinated with games of its ilk to understand the ensuing cultural chaos. Not that it requires understanding with fast paced shooting fury the order of the day. Yet a randy raccoon tanuki friend that can deflect shots with his tail did raise a few eyebrows. The Shinto inspired Japanese blaster draws on mythology as necks extend inexplicably and one-eyed umbrella ghosts hop past. Cultural references aplenty all in a luscious sprite-based world driving gamers on to see more. Unrelenting pace as you the priestess battle against all the evil of underworld armed with nothing more than a purification branch. A Super Famicom classic well-worthy of this fine update and hopefully new and old audience with new playable characters. Known in the West as Pocky and Rocky.
Every early adopter of a new, exciting system ends up playing their limited releases to death and Kileak was no exception in Genkis experience. Dank, dim tunnelled areas are explored in a mecha suit solving basic puzzles and firing off volleys of projectiles to any unwanted company.
Impressive draw distance and frame rate as someone has found the light switch for this zippy sequel. Attentive looks at the map radar are a must as false walls have to be blown down from time to time besides the odd switch to flip. Luckily our mecha packs a decent punch of weaponry to survive the claustrophobic levels. Known as Epidemic in the West.
Famicom Cart
Fantasy themed scrolling shooter of the Gauntlet ilk that allows you to play each level as a different character: from Knight to ogre, thief and Wizard. Gameplay is old school and unforgiving, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. Ahead of its time in that the environments can be destroyed too revealing some welcomed power ups that have pleasing graphical effects when utilised.
Cinematic shooting action as Capcom blends the boundary between Hollywood blockbuster and triple A gaming. Plenty of nice surprises as players run and gun anything that moves. The Japanese version has Japanese subtitles to the cut scenes and uses English for the audio.
Famicom Cart
Stylish gangster shooter with the whiff of prohibition in the air along with plenty of gunpowder. The players gun is represented by a cursor and moving through the city makes for a hazardous occupation as reprobates take pot shots at you. Nice animations warn of imminent danger and it make s worthy tribute to a tidy coin op.
Famicom Cart
One of the most collectable titles for the Famicom and its for all the right gameplaying reasons. The shooting action consists of vehicle based platform shooting sections and free scrolling shooting sections, including the big boss showdowns. Highly imaginative and a very fine piece of programming. Known as Blaster Master in the West.
The survival battle action of the like of FortNite where players can co-operate or go it alone, Rambo-style against the hordes of zombie invaders. The use of materials to build bases or block gunfire is a must, along with unleashing brutal bursts of firepower, but the use of stealth in chucking a grenade or using the sniper rifle is a nod to the Metal Gear license.
Early Playstation mecha shooter with similarities to Metal Head on the 32X and Iron Soldier for those familiar with Ataris big cat. The cross hair surveys the landscape but the tranquillity only lasts briefly before a barrage of missiles hone in. Coming under attack causes glitches to the gamers view to simulate the damage being incurred. It must have been nice for the developer to be allowed a glitch in the actual game.
SNK truly mastered the ability to produce fun games in 2D such as Metal Slug which reminded the gaming cognoscenti there was life and gameplay without polygons. Pure refined game mechanics to bring a smile to the face of the most grizzled gaming veteran.
Exquisite lighting effects, a rising soundtrack, a dank, moody atmosphere that feels straight from the creative genius of Ridley Scott, fluid, intuitive controls and gameplay worthy of the weighty license which respects the heritage whilst pushing the boundaries of the modern FPS.
PC Engine HU Card
Nicely done conversion of the arcade smash, unfortunately missing the Uzi controller. Uses a cross hair marker instead of light gun in a similar vein to the Neo Geo classic Nam 75. The gun toting hero is hard as nails.
Famicom Cart
Nicely done conversion of the arcade smash, unfortunately missing the Uzi controller. Uses a cross hair marker instead of light gun in a similar vein to the Neo Geo classic Nam 75. The gun toting hero is hard as nails.
PC Engine HU Card
The arcade classic R-Type gets the near perfect home conversion (albeit of only the first four levels…) The sheer originality of Irem’s opus has yet to be bettered. Who can forget the level one alien embryo boss?
Sega Saturn
Subtitled Music is the Weapon. Aerosmith offer encouragement to players in the form of their on screen, FMV persona and also in terms of their back catalogue which gets a good airing. Players control the on screen cursor and must take down the bad guys often using a flying CD as ammo. Lots of digitisation and no doubt air guitars, if given a brief respite during this nineties coin-op shooter.
Shooting action but with a friendly feel, a bit like it is set in the Wild West area of Disneyland. Nice to have a more frivolous shooter amongst the many that take themselves too seriously.
Super Famicom
A squashed down version of the mecha robot machines taking on a array of dark knights across varied locales from deep space to the expanses of the desert. The action is shooting based with plenty of close combat making good use of the weighty license.
A fine deviant from the usual gal on gal fight fest with the pretty protagonists taking to having a water fight. Surprising depth to the gameplay with power jumps and slides a must to progress and avoid a soaking. Fine roster of water pistols too.
Sega Saturn
Tank game which has a quick frame rate as players take out other tanks and bridges and the like with plenty of shouting in the background to induce some feelings of real combat and the chaos that ensues. Impressive stuff on a platform popularly not meant to be able to reach such heights and expected to bomb out when it comes to textured polygons.
All the frills of the arcade on this home version. Alas a giant snipers rifle may not have proved the most practical so is sadly missing. But other than that, this is a fine light gun game that works a treat on the standard controller as the sight is zoomed around the screen before zooming in for a better look. That is a better look when the power has not just been shot out in the claustrophobic, near darkness levels. The tactical element is grand too with adversaries being taken down through hotel windows within the time limit to preserve the peace. And some fine Bond like tunes.
Super Famicom
Dog fighting shooter game with pilots having to hunt down opponents as well as having to drop bombs on ground targets. Namcot sets the historic dog fight setting well and implements mode 7 to great effect.
Super Famicom
Take on giant mecha adversaries that dart around onscreen in this anime themed light scope game from the big N themselves.
Super Famicom
A very faithful arcade conversion lacking only in cigarette burns in the cabinet and jammed coin slot. With added battle mode. Hard to put down even today. Subtitled The Original Game.
Super Famicom
A very faithful arcade conversion lacking only in cigarette burns in the cabinet and jammed coin slot. With added battle mode. Hard to put down even today. Subtitled The Original Game.

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