
Here we have all the games in the Shooter Section.
Genki doesn’t remember any shortage of 100 Yen coins, nor 10 Pence pieces for that matter; just a strange, cigarette burnt machine in the middle of the local toy shop. A must for any self respecting retro heads collection as a true piece of gaming history.
Release to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Space Invader legend. Includes plenty of versions including a 3D remake. Other versions include a two player competitive version where you shoot at each other through the invaders and a two player co-operative version where you share three lives.
Related to Starblade and Galaxian 3, Star Ixiom has slicker visuals with impressive explosions and more engrossing gameplay with an immersable story. Missions are set cruising in space and between them players can explore the space station from which you jettison out from. Import friendly with a simple interface in English.
Nintendo 64
Creates a Miyamoto style world fun of wonder to its giant vines and exotic bird calls as the Twins take on mutant insect armed praying mantis’, often with a few too many arms. There are some very mild puzzle elements to open gates to progress – nothing taxing and the friendly characters are a real treat to encounter. Plenty of polish too to ensure no dead ends. A great title for the system.
Super Famicom
Star Fox utilised the new FX chip to the maximum producing a tight 3D shooter worthy of the Nintendo branding. As with all Nintendo classics, the gameplay is introduced to you gradually as you slowly begin to master control of the nippy airwing. Great control sees you weaving between buildings, skirting under bridges and taking on fruit machines in no time… With lavish presentation including banter with your fellow animal wing men, Starfox is a Super Famicom must have.
Fox is unleashed to utilise his firepower on foot in this 3D blast. Or should that be on paw? Nintendo pace it well and the dramatic scenes have lashings of their triple A fairy dust. Plenty of interjections from General Pepper and Fox’s pals.
Super Famicom
This cart will get you in the mood for blasting with three variations on two shooting games. Blastris includes shooting mole like creatures that pop up and reshaping Tetris style blocks. Lazer Blazer is a straight forward blaster. Good variation of the light gun shooter format.
Mega Drive
Launch title Thunder Blade brought the arcade home even down to the reverse cockpit controls in this accurate conversion that even had the thrill of take off announcing the new dawn of the 16Bit era. There were extras too for the Mega Drive with the addition of mid level bosses to beef up the challenge, switching from the 3D perspective to an overhead when the boss battle ensued.
Fine tribute to the Namco tongue in cheek light gun games with players going up against a fair array of enemies including ghosts in the graveyard and plenty of whacky, Nippon inspired adversaries. Great fun and a real arcadey fresh feel to proceedings. Compatible with the Gunkon.
PC Engine HU Card
Bold attempt by NEC to bring the de rigueur coin op of the era back to the home comfort of the PC Engine. And whilst the Virtual Cushion may not match the hydraulics of the arcade original, the 3D top down and in screen graphics have been suitably transferred across. The action is thick and fast and ThunderBlade adds another feather in the Engines arcade collection.
Mega CD
This on the rails helicopter shooter was an early Mega CD release from an era when FMV was the requisite of a CD format release. Still expertly executed and a pleasurable blast with the copter requiring some limited control too.
Sega Saturn
Update of the Mega CD release sees great visual strides taken as you fly your helicopter on a variety of 3D missions unleashing some almighty firepower from the skies.
Popular first person perspective shooter with a tactical element such as being able to use security cameras and their attachment guns to take down opponents lured out of position. Some terrifying bosses to battle too such as the multi-limbed robot with each hand a saw.
Famicom Cart
Take off and get up to altitude whilst dog fighting other fighter jets at Mach speed in your aviator shades. Impressive frame rate.
Irem takes In the Hunt into the deep sea – a realm seldom used in gaming and the submarine shooting action drips atmosphere with the ping of radar detecting enemy presence. Its not all guns blazing: missions are varied, but the feel of the propulsion of the submarine and the sea setting work a treat.
PS2 update of the Sega smash from the arcades that demanded dedication to master the full destructive prowess of the mecha pugilists. Not that bouts within the confines of the ring are always toe to toe – its often best to pick off an opponent from afar with a few tactical strafes before moving in for the kill. A superb range of robots to select from and some well thought out controls in the absence of the Twin Sticks controller. Opening the Virtual On world up for all to enjoy will hopefully please even the most fiercely loyal of fans.
GameBoy Original
Little known shoot em up in which players stand off against alien vessels and fire against each other in a futuristic, intergalactic duel. Travelling across the middle of the screen though is an asteroid belt that can absorb shots, or even deflect them back at your own vessel. Old school and proud of it.
Super Famicom
Making great use of the FX chip to power plenty of polygons around in this tidy mech shooter where the robot can also morph into other vehicles as gameplay dictates. The graphics work well but its the gameplay ingenuity shown that makes this star shine brightly away from the black hole of gaming oblivion.
Spiritual sequel to Genki fave Kikikaikai and full of the same bizarre cultural references that makes it seem like sheer madness, yet thankfully plays like a dream. One eyed and legged umbrellas await an opportunity to spring into action, kawaii little ghosts seek refuge from Super Mario World, Oni and long nosed goblins look on from the shadows under the gaze of Buddhist statues. And its great to be back.
Outer space based 3D shooter from Taito with spin feature to avoid the brunt of the enemy onslaught. Reminiscent of Space Harrier in parts, there are some titanium tough mecha bosses to take down before you can think of seeing the credits roll.

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