Here we have all the games in the RPG Section.
Mysterious MMORPG except that it isn’t online but just created to feel like it is with masses of players and emailed updates. And the sci fi feel is very cleverly done. The Hack story is based on Hackers into the main computer and the game features plenty of conspiracy and double – crossing that have seen the series snowball into an underground gaming phenomena.
Mysterious MMORPG except that it isn’t online but just created to feel like it is with masses of players and emailed updates. And the sci fi feel is very cleverly done. The Hack story is based on Hackers into the main computer and the game features plenty of conspiracy and double – crossing that have seen the series snowball into an underground gaming phenomena.
Phantasy Star Online style RPG action as Bandai’s own baby leads you by the hand to get to grips with the combat system. This bumper pack contains the first two games in the popular series.
Famicom Cart
Cavernous tunnels await where the hero or heroine needs to keep an eye on the map whilst fighting off orcs and cyclops like giants utilising swords and bows & arrows. Rumours have it a rather huge dragon may need to be slain too. Subtitled Heroes of the Lance.
Sega Saturn
Smart rendered graphics in this self-proclaimed romantic RPG.
Famicom Cart
Keen Genki devotees will be well aware of our obsession with oriental ghosts and plenty pop up in this unusual RPG which sees the young Akuma lock horns with the ones he is unable to sneak past.
PC Engine Super CD ROM
Small, cutesy sprites with pleasant department store tunes and subtle touches such as birdsong or a heartbeat are the basis for this tidy RPG. The developers certainly have the right stuff when it comes to the fine anime sequences which were de rigueur at the time. The Shinto (native religion to ancient Japan) adds much intrigue as players are able to take on a spirit form (such as animal) to aid progression. The Subtitled Jyuzoku 12 Shinto Densetsu.
Chooses to go with the 16 Bit RPG sprite-based world and looking very dapper for it. The exploration action also seems to also take a leaf out of Zeldas manual (or a feather out of his cap) with enjoyable three quarter perspective romps around the platform levels swishing ones sword.
Sega Saturn
From the PC Engine producer of the misty eyed Seiya Monogatari comes another fine RPG to pull the heart strings in an uplifting score. The mechanics are purely 16Bit with beautifully detailed sprites, yet speech and well drawn avatars add much to the action with some superb voice acting. Nostalgic RPG gaming, but there is nothing wrong with that.
Romance and adventure all set to a typical game music (like you get lift music, apart from game music) and an imperial, fantasy setting: think Heroic Legend of Arslan anime. Ticks all the right boxes and a popular series that spanned onto the PCFX and Sega Saturn.
Set in real life modern day Japan, you must guide accident victim Hitomi, not playing as her, but as the voice in her head. Its important to not lead her astray or she’ll stop listening to you. Beautifully realised in FMV, Square once again comes up trumps whilst changing the rules of the game.
Famicom Cart
Culture Brain takes inspiration from a pipe dream of Persia in this Middle Eastern infused RPG. The combat is full of action and gets the sabres swinging around and great use of colour brings the vibrancy out.
The rendered sprites look a treat keeping that affinity to the characters which the 16bit RPGs used to generate. Arc is a bit of a lad, but the scrapes encountered make him worth sticking by.
Plenty of pomp and circumstance to this epic RPG which entails good use of skills to progress through the turn based combat.
Humans and Deimos (evolved from monsters) battle for the five spirit stones and play is possible from either camp. Painstakingly lush graphics bring the fantasy to life.
Mega CD
Produced by the legendary Wolfteam comes a classic fantasy RPG making fine use of the CD quality music and intros. All very well drawn and with a lush, retro feel of the Mega CD format.
Super Famicom
Sweet, sprite-based world with immense attention to detail including illumination from the crystal and wave effects, all accompanied by the stirring orchestral score.
Nintendo DS
A huge two Giga memory card goes some way to explaining the extraordinary level of detail Nintendo have attained in this tactical RPG that looks more like Panzer Dragoon Azel than a DS RPG. The fantasy setting has been painstakingly realised with outstanding effect and Nintendos pursuit of perfection.
PC Engine CD ROM
A lovingly crafted 3/4 persective Role player bringing back memories of the golden age of Super Famicom RPG’s.
Nintendo DS
The shuffling is in the dungeons as the very layout shifts when the timer has expired leading to a frantic, smash and grab approach and a keen eye on the timer. Dungeons are home to some bountiful treasure and bizarre creatures who stick along for the ride. Traditional RPG fare in rescuing good folk and savouring the charms of the town, yet the shuffle keeps this one ticking along nicely.
Every detail exudes a triple A title with lavish visuals blended with anime avatars, stirring orchestral score and high-end voice acting. The look is really stunning even today adding up to an epic opus.
PC Engine HU Card
Set in the Japan of old. Attention to detail recreates the feel of feudal Japan and the life of the master priest Benkei. Randomly generated battle sequences.
16bit style exploration of the gaming world spliced with Guardian Heroes style 3D sprites for the turn based combat with dramatic spell effects and swooping camera angles.
Famicom Cart
The graphics are colourful and the roots are firmly in the old school with limited health to bring out the very best in gamers. The shops add a great incentive to risk all to grab that extra power up.
Capcom utilises its cel shaded sprites for the gaming world and combat giving this a retro chic feel to the fabulous looking battles complete with obligatory, over-the-top, outlandish special moves. Looks like a retro Ghibli anime.
Sega Saturn
Delightfully illustrated isometric RPG with exquisite attention to lighting and tasty anime representations of the fantasy, gothic characters. Update of this popular Saturn game was made for the Dreamcast and comes from a rich NEC stable.
A shift from the usual fisticuffs as players explore a Japanese town with a heady mix of traditional martial arts, high school students and talking lion teddy bears. Subtitled Hanatareshi Yabou.
XBOX 360
Akira Toriyama once again uses his DragonBall drawing skills to sublime effect in working in tandem with some of the brawn behind the Final Fantasy series to bring us a Japanese flavoured action RPG with plenty of spiky hair and bush eyed creatures. The action is true to their long held design principles and there arent too many surprises along the way, but this adds to the warm, secure feeling of being in deep in the cosy RPG world. Tidy sub quests and completion lists for monsters and items add much to the overall quest.
Sega Saturn
Based on the anime this RPG utilises the license to good effect by having fully animated battle scenes. The overall look of the game is more nostalgic with nicely detailed sprites. Warrants the yellow label warning.
Very interesting results of Square focusing purely on the action RPG and platform gameplay of this title, without the CG graphics we have come to expect. The results are an incredibly playable title – a real joy to savour with plenty of humour. The bosses are skillfully crafted and the use of the clock to alter playing environments a clever touch.


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