Here we have all the games in the RPG Section.
GameBoy Advance
An elementary school feel to the town exploration with toy shop as the role-playing action starts with droids, often transforming into the robot related adventure from the safety of the bedroom. A collectable for the GBA.
Team based RPG with very impressive amount of polygons shifted around by the hardware along with the quality orchestral score. Players must fight hard at times to clear the quest: the giant tarantula boss being a particular hurdle for those with arachnophobia.
Nintendo 64
The Doraemon world is perfectly suited to the N64s rotund graphical style and the Mario 64-esque world is true to the anime series with plenty of scrapes to get into.
Famicom Cart
Everyone’s favourite robotic cat from the future explores the gaming world in a style reminiscent of Mother as the gang travel the lands and houses. His ‘Anywhere Portal’ certain could be of use as could the ‘Bamboo Helicopter’. Just beware of those ear nibbling mice when resting.
Super Famicom
Emotional journey and epic quest with some stirring scores and Ascii’s distinctive look to its characters and worlds. The look is befitting of the fine era of SFC RPGs, yet it seems to have a rendered finish to the sprites and backgrounds looking very professional as such. It also seems to help the characters to display the required facial expressions to really draw the budding RPG-er in to its world.
Sega Saturn
Fantasy RPG with heavy influence on battles between warring fractions. Sega style anime graphics and multiple storylines.
Very expressive avatars and plenty of musical clues as to their character: be they likely to fight you, steal from you or charge you too much in a restaurant. The combat and isometric world show just how much effort has gone into this journey of adventure.
Famicom Cart
RPG action screens to grab a quick item before heading to the platform sections and boss showdowns. All set to that toe-tapping DragonBall theme tune. Known in Japan as Dragonball Shenron no Nazo.
Famicom Cart
A quest it is and not for the faint hearted with plenty to pull on the heart-strings. But well worthy of preserving for the gaming vault of its top triumphs.
Super Famicom
Conversion of the Famicom trail blazer, but most definitely honed to fit the Super Famicom’s souped up hardware with that distinctive look to the sprite based action. A real jewel in the crown of the series with extreme attention to detail and rarer than the later, format exclusive releases.
Super Famicom
Plenty of nostalgia for those who appreciate their DQ series. And it looks splendidly resplendent in its Super Famicom spruce up with such sparkling graphics you almost expect glare from the stately gems decorating the palaces. A quest it is and not for the faint hearted with plenty to pull on the heart-strings. But well worthy of preserving for the gaming vault of its top triumphs.
Famicom Cart
Traverse the lands in your merry band with battles never too far away. The classic Enix fight interface is never celebrated more than in the Dragon Quest series and it remains a cherish memory in many a Japanese household. But you would have to refer to Dragon Warrior 2 in the West to stir similar feelings of nostalgia.
Famicom Cart
Traverse the lands in your merry band with battles never too far away. The classic Enix fight interface is never celebrated more than in the Dragon Quest series and it remains a cherish memory in many a Japanese household.
Famicom Cart
Traverse the lands in your merry band with battles never too far away. The classic Enix fight interface is never celebrated more than in the Dragon Quest series and it remains a cherish memory in many a Japanese household.
Famicom Cart
Dragon Quest requires face-to-face encounters with spooky looking tree monsters and mean looking moles alongside chewing the cud with the local shopkeepers to glean essential info. The text is written in hiragana to give language learners plenty of chances to sample conversational Japanese, albeit in a video game. Also a tidy addition for the collectors with luscious box art. Known as Dragon Warrior IV.
Nintendo DS
Square Enix have done a spiffing job of converting this epic quest to the DS with delightful pastel shading adding to the charm of what was already a triple-A opus. Genki is grateful for the furigana to help read the text.
Super Famicom
It’s the music which stirs the heart, gives a sense of foreboding, announces pageantry and plays such a huge part in this epic Enix title. The hardware’s limitations forced the programmers into clever fogging techniques and great use of mode 7 to produce a treat of a gaming world, both reassuring and unnerving at times of unrest. Hats off to Enix.
Dragon Quest has a distinctive graphical look that captures the kawaii even in its bad boy bosses. Its easy to see why it is so cherished by its devotees and also why it was given a 3DS update. Happy, carefree RPG romping like a run through a summer meadow.
This instalment goes some way towards explaining the obsession with all things Dragons Quest in Japan: the bird song, the sound of grass being trampled as the cel shaded player explores new environs, the imaginative characters, the build up of tension before a troop of Slimes attack. Fans of the series will feel right at home with this slickly executed production.
Famicom Cart
Falcom made the classic RPG genre their own over time and the roots of its slid oak can be found with this deep and involving adventure. Superb stuff with plenty of love and effort thrown in and it shows. Was released as the Legacy of Wizard in the US.
PC Engine Super CD ROM
Classic RPG action in the Falcom mould. Allows you to avoid multiple HP battles if you so desire. Some pretty cool townsfolk to chat with make this one of the better action RPG’s on the Engine amongst some stiff competition.
Super Famicom
Classic RPG action in the Falcom mould. Allows you to avoid multiple HP battles if you so desire. Some pretty cool townsfolk to chat with make this one of the better action RPGs on the Super Famicom, a real accolade.
Super Famicom
Small towns in idyllic situations, similar to those in How to Train Your Dragon, are under attack in a game that feels like an ancient buildings version of Sim City with a strategic battle element in dispatching forces including the fabled dragons.
Super Famicom
Aurally this must be one of the most pleasing games on the system with some delightful cheery sunny day music, via the regal pomp of the palace to the stirring sequences that visually impress too in Mode 7. The story draws players in and this has aged like a fine claret to be one of the more desirable RPGs on a system renowned for some of the finest.
PC Engine CD ROM
From the department elevator music via the sound effects that remind of a train arriving in a Japanese station to the voice acting in the action scenes, this RPG exudes retro charm. The combat is action based and the game has a comforting feel to its master plan. Subtitled The Emblem from Darkness.
With art from the Samurai Spirits and Asuka illustrator Eithea is certainly a looker. But the voice acting and accompaniments to cut scenes have had plenty put into them. The story takes a young school boy and transforms him into a new universe after an earthquake. For our hero conversing well with the girls who befriend him actually helps his ability to battle, as does choosing a good formation.
Capcom had big plans for the Eldorado series with a monthly release for seven volumes. Unfortunately this old school RPG never saw light of day in the West.
Capcom had big plans for the Eldorado series with a monthly release for seven volumes. Unfortunately this old school RPG never saw light of day in the West.
Stunningly pretty RPG really hits its stride and was worthy of far greater attention. Capcom really put the hard yards into this series and its clear here why it has its dedicated aficionados.
Nintendo 64
An epic RPG looking like Mario 64 made into an adventure quest with plenty of hidden locales to investigate. In a fantasy style, the battle sequences feature stunning pyrotechnics and good mechanics. Known as Quest 64 in the West.


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