Here we have all the games in the RPG Section.
GameBoy Color
Very sweet graphical style to this little known off shot of the Brave Saga series with the look of the Mother series in its prime. Plenty of scrapes along the way, but the very friendly user interface makes combat enjoyable rather than a chore.
Super Famicom
Stunningly beautiful in a sprite based Super Famicom way, Capcom proved it had more to it than mere fight fests in this masterpiece. The artwork for the box is well worthy of mention too. Still the title is a little more linear than the work of its rival: the mighty Final Fantasy series, but Breath of Fire at least manages to singe its Chocobo feathers. (It’s no shame to say it doesnft quite hold a torch light to Link. But Genki has always had a glint in its eye for the Super Famicom Zelda.) Plenty of hours gameplay on offer and a well woven story line.
GameBoy Advance
Stunningly beautiful in a sprite based Super Famicom way, Capcom proved it had more to it than mere fight fests in this masterpiece and have released another masterful GBA conversion. The artwork for the box is well worthy of mention too. Still the title is a little more linear than the work of its rival: the mighty Final Fantasy series, but Breath of Fire at least manages to singe its Chocobo feathers. (It’s no shame to say it doesn’t quite hold a torch light to Link. But Genki has always had a glint in its eye for the Super Famicom Zelda.)
Capcom shows how it can update its Breath of Fire series with the extra processing power of the Playstation, whilst remaining faithful to the pretty glint in the eye of its first love and remaining true to its isometric roots. Lusciously lavish.
The attention to detail is stunning and the pastel shaded look to its isometric graphics works a treat. Aurally pleasing too with beautiful sound effects and emotional music. There are plenty of times the heart strings are strummed like a violin.
Fantasy strategic RPG based in a kingdom of knights with impressive 3D battles and an immense potential of depth to draw players into its world. The monsters have solid AI and behave in an unpredictable manner. And with five different kingdoms to choose from the replay value is very high. Also known as Brigandine The Legend of Forsena.
Mega CD
Fine Sega RPG with CD quality cut scenes helping to set the fantasy atmosphere along with an array of excellently designed characters that come to life from the story board. Levelling up is essential to see ogres heads roll.
Super Famicom
Fine RPG with fantasy atmosphere along with an array of excellently designed characters that come to life from the story board. Levelling up is essential to see ogres heads roll.
PS Vita
Reminiscent of Princess Crown with its beautiful pastel shading and use of contrast between light and dark, besides the heroine princess main protagonist. Feels like a brooding fairy tale coming to life.
A mysterious adventure with an off-kilter feel to the game well suited to a title that translates as Super Riddle.
Nintendo DS
Like a Pandora’s box the magic book has unleashed uninvited guests and requires our yellow feathered Chocobo to collect the pages to restore friends back to their bird like state. Like a children’s fable 2D stories loving set the scene and it’s a plethora of enjoyable mini games that must be completed to progress: be it an item grab, drawing with the stylus or a good ol’ Chocobo race. Also known as Final Fantasy Fables Chocobo Tales.
Squaresoft utilises its RPG experience as the Chocobo bird takes centre stage. Well, there is a torch light held to it in the dungeons, if not quite centre stage. Delightful rendered levels.
Input from the Final Fantasy producer and a near army of playable characters each with their own story setting Chrono Cross in the top flight of RPG games living up to the weighty burden the prequel created. Players can combine attacks together adding a tactical element to the combat and its nice to be able to see a potential battle sequence unfolding so it can be avoided for the battle weary.
Super Famicom
Truly epic and immense adventure that you know has the high Squaresoft assurance of quality from the very outset. With excellent characterisation thanks to the endeavours of Akira Toriyama of DragonBall Z fame and the input from the Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest producers add an extra A to this triple-A title. Aurally it delights too with Yasunori Mitsuda’s genius imprinted all over the soundtrack that is appropriate to each era.
PC Engine CD ROM
Based on the Bond style anime, Cobra is a smooth talking dude with a gun built into his arm. Travelling through space, Cobra must focus on the task in hand. And for him that’s no mean feat! Also known as ‘Space Adventure Cobra II .’
An expansive, open world to charge through with sword drawn for the non-stop, relentless battle action. The code theme makes for a Matrix style changing game world with Square Enix kicking loose and relishing bashing a few skulls.
Action RPG full of kawaii and reminiscent of Kid Dracula on the Super Famicom. Very much dances to its own tune with some off-kilter adversaries including madcap bosses, but never takes itself too seriously and is a breath of fresh air in comparison to the big budget modern day release.
An unusual setting for a role playing game being set inside an all female prison. The combat is tuned based. Players must toe the line or face being punished by means of a good spanking. That is not to say Genki approves of spanking. Nor do we wish to be blocked for references to it!
Capcom revisitings its old school Final Fight mechanics as you fight through the various dungeons to reach the boss in reassuringly familiar style. But the environs are as stylish as the three in game characters each with their own particular expertise in martial arts. An all action, ‘fighting RPG’ full of thrills.
Very modern looking RPG in terms of its unusual, yet effective and striking, visual look. The combat allows the players to get involved and show-off a move or two. Characters futures are affected by the in game decisions.
Bonus disk to the well-loved series with beautifully animated sprites that give this board game a wonderful isometric appearance. Fantasy Japanese creativity at its best.
Nintendo 64
Import only exclusive title in which you battle robots but can also customise the main body, legs, gun, bomb and special weapon to last longer. Easy to see why this game was so popular in Japan sparking a sequel with some light RPG elements to distract from the heavy metal fights.
PC Engine HU Card
Science fiction futuristic take on the RPG, think of Ys in space with not a fair maiden in sight. Lasers should be set to kill with all the battles which help to gain the vital experience points, but with expansive levels as grand as space itself, interesting sub plots and great combat mechanics this is a fine PC Engine RPG.
Super Famicom
Mecha based RPG makes a refreshing graphical revamp from the more traditional staple. Turn based combat against some mean machines with fine effects for the attacks on opponents.
Kenji Eno’s opus caused a real stir in the gaming world at the time of its release. This game involves choosing various options such as to open a drawer or door to try and get to the bottom of why Laura’s father has murdered a patient in the hospital he works. Unnerving action at times as the gaming world warps like a psychotic episode.
The original D represented a key period in gaming history before the 3DO went critical, without which would we have had Silent Hill or Biohazard? Kenji Eno san delves into the dreaded “Interactive Movie” genre but the results are no early CD rom dirge. Disturbed and depraved survival horror from the Canadian outlands.
Super Famicom
Capturing the essence of the golden 16Bit era of Super Famicom platformers with the shrunk down character sprites and expansive gaming world realised in intensive detail in the dark caves and vibrant towns. The effort put into production adds to the feel of a real gem twinking like one of the treasures in the cavernous underground labyrinths.
Super Famicom
Spooky, gothic RPG for old hands Enix in which merely moving through the play area drains your health so you must kill to keep up your soul meter and stay alive. Playable as knight or devil with separate routes adding to the longevity, as does the masses of hidden areas. Oozes atmosphere.
Famicom Cart
Old school first person dungeon exploration adventure with imaginative adversaries and chip tunes that crank up the tension.
Game Gear
Middle Eastern themed RPG quest with great realisation of the gaming world in its Eastern splendour. As chats with guards soon reveal, all is not well in the State of Denmark, well Arabia at least. Plenty of sailing the high seas and sword swash buckling in this very tidy adventure. Known in Japan as Sadam Crusaders.


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