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Shoot Em Up
Two game package in Choaniki and Ai Choaniki of PC Engine fame making the transition to the Switch. To those who have yet to encounter it, Choaniki is a very wacky shooter from Japan. Expect the unexpected in a Kikikaikai style. Never a dull moment in this blaster with a cult following. Ai Choaniki roughly translates as ‘Love Super Big Brother’, this is the closest you get to the Village People on a console. Highly imaginative characters and bosses to the point where you’ll wonder if shiitake are the only mushrooms the creators have been having in their miso soup. Playable as Adon or Samson.
Shoot Em Up
Gunforce, Geo Storm and Air Duel are the trio that launch the second instalment of Irem Collection with all guns blazing. Gunforce is a take on the mighty Contra licence, but this time with mech style power suits and massive adversaries to test the architecture to the limits. Tough like Konami’s opus with one hit kills, yet some supreme weaponry soon gets players in the necessary gung-ho spirits. A few tactically placed vehicles also help – its always a joy to tear through enemy lines in motorised, marauding machine. The two-player mode also lifts moral with a bit of teamwork. The coin-op sequel feels like it inspired Metal Slug with its further use of vehicles and some sublime parallax scrolling to boot. Arcade Air Duel looks initially like a 1942 vertical scrolling tribute, before the developer reveals their license to go off the rails with imaginative adversaries.
Shoot Em Up
Gunforce, Geo Storm and Air Duel are the trio that launch the second instalment of Irem Collection with all guns blazing. Gunforce is a take on the mighty Contra licence, but this time with mech style power suits and massive adversaries to test the architecture to the limits. Tough like Konami’s opus with one hit kills, yet some supreme weaponry soon gets players in the necessary gung-ho spirits. A few tactically placed vehicles also help – its always a joy to tear through enemy lines in motorised, marauding machine. The two-player mode also lifts moral with a bit of teamwork. The coin-op sequel feels like it inspired Metal Slug with its further use of vehicles and some sublime parallax scrolling to boot. Arcade Air Duel looks initially like a 1942 vertical scrolling tribute, before the developer reveals their license to go off the rails with imaginative adversaries.
Yoshi is a loyal friend to have and looks pretty cute to boot in this officially licensed plush.
Guide Book
Final Fantasy collectors will lap up this guide to the sixth instalment on the Super Famicom. Lavish illustrations and colourful screen shots are really befitting of such a fine art series held in the highest of esteem amongst the gaming cognoscenti.
Famicom Cart
A single screen action title with a bird as star character that looks like he has been moonlighting in New Zealand Story. Taito excels in such games and its full of plenty of wholesome, good, clean gameplay.
Guide Book
A detailed and through guide to the weaponry and stats of opponents in this SFC opus with plenty of screen shots.
Guide Book
Beautiful art from the Queens Blade series with lavish, colourful illustrations of the femme fatale protagonists.
Guide Book
Beautifully illustrated as you may expect for a guide book based on such a high-end game. Famitsu have put together a very comprehensive guide to the game well-worthy of the fine software.
Guide Book
Guide to the GBA game Empire of Dreams with 127 pages of tips and tricks to the deceptively retro Klonoa game.
Guide Book
Seeing all those Game & Watches makes Genki weak at the knees. Yet many other devices are also beautifully illustrated including the PC Engine GT, Game Gear, GameBoy, Virtual Boy, Game Pocket Computer, Atari Lynx… A very complete guide and clear labour of love.
Multi format magazine famed in Japan with reviews that can make or break a game. Covers many bases with a look at gaming soundtracks perhaps of interest to Genki’s conscientious gamers. The adverts look very eye catching too.
Full colour guide to this special doujin fight title with all the specials listed and some lavish lines illustrating the games varied protagonists and pugilists. Incredibly comprehensive.
A Bit Special
A trial of Cool Boarders, plus interviews with Capcom chief and Atlus Maken X expert. VMU data for Kanipan, the ubiquitous present and introductions to Shenmue, Soul Calibur, Espionagents amongst others. Nice collectable for the Dreamcast devotee.
Sega Saturn
A Bit Special
Demos of Sengoku Blade, Stakes Winner, Street Racer Extra and Magic Carpet with a feature on AM2 and a look at Shining The Holy Ark.
Famicom Cart
Bright and breezy platformer which was also further developed into a 16Bit platformer with bold, colourful characters full of well animated expression. Recommended to fans of the platform genre.
First issue as the Dreamcast takes up the Saturn’s baton. The adverts are very well drawn and Saturn games still feature. Sonic Adventure, Sega Rally 2, Kita e, D2, Frame Gride, Blue Stinger, Climax Landers, Evolution, Incoming, Aero Dancing, Buggy Heat, Power Stone, Seventh Cross and Tetris 4D all feature along with a briefer look at upcoming releases at the time. Virtua Fighter 3tb, Pen Pen Triathlon, July and Godzilla get play guides along wit a couple of Saturn titles.
Plastic model for self assembly based on the popular Youkai Watch series from Japan which draws on Japan’s rich heritage of ghosts. The sticker sheet adds plenty of character to the finished model.
Famicom Cart
Walking like a crab, pushing a beach ball along in a race and hopping from log to log in this sports themed game for the Family Trainer mat. A fine peripheral and well supported by Nintendo.
Super Famicom
Although the SFC was always blessed with an abundance of fine platformers, this tidy Capcom title has plenty to commend it to anyone’s collection with fluid control and great variety in levels including a remarkable balloon flight besides the obligatory underwater sections.
GameBoy Advance
A splendid, sprawling epic cocooned in a wonderful threads of Shining Force story. Lovingly crafted sprites reminiscent of the halcyon era of the Super Famicom.

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