Super Famicom

Here we have all the games in the Super Famicom Section.
Super Famicom
Side Scrolling Beat Em Up
Thankfully Capcom’s arcade power house reinstates the simultaneous two player option. Only Mayor and former wrestler Haggar of the playable characters from the original survives the chop: swordsman Carlos and Maki are drafted in to add a bit of ying to the series’ yang. The urban bronx feel of the original has also been shifted to a more global perspective, but thankfully gameplay remains just as sweet as ever on the trail of those Mad Gear punks.
Super Famicom
Side Scrolling Beat Em Up
Thankfully Capcom’s arcade power house reinstates the simultaneous two player option. Only Mayor and former wrestler Haggar of the playable characters from the original survives the chop: swordsman Carlos and Maki are drafted in to add a bit of ying to the series’ yang. The urban bronx feel of the original has also been shifted to a more global perspective, but thankfully gameplay remains just as sweet as ever on the trail of those Mad Gear punks.
Super Famicom
Side Scrolling Beat Em Up
Dish out some rough justice on the streets of Metro City seemingly inspired by pastiche of American city streets. This version allows players to play as Guy, but at the expense of Cody who is stuck in Japan having gone training there. As ever the weapons are fun to use and the whole hammy, eighties feel of the game brings the nostalgia flooding back.
Super Famicom
Old and new clash as the honourable samurai travels into the future on a mission of vengeance allowing the developers to use the best of both worlds. In an interesting twist to the platform hack ’em up the samurai lead character loses his sword after taking a certain amount of damage. Full health is then restored, but the attack meter completely depleted and its only through defeating sufficient enemies with bare hands that it can be restored and the sword returned. Its also possible to summon various spiritual powers to help on your quest in another distinguishing feature.
Super Famicom
Kenshiro et al are well suited to the three quarter perspective view RPG world as they are such an intriguing bunch of bad dudes. Hot in pursuit of abducted fair lady, but best not to be too keen as a boulder tumbles down to hinder your mission. Battles take on the side of fight perspective as various martial commands are executed with expert panache.
Super Famicom
One on One Beat Em Up
Plenty of hearty shouts of ‘kiai’ as Kenshiro pummels into his somewhat rotund opponent Heart, and he does require some pummelling. Backgrounds represent the decay causes by a nuclear meltdown and have a feel of decay and destruction. Good representation of a license whilst sticking to Nintendo’s family policy of the time.
Super Famicom
One on One Beat Em Up
Early adopters of import formats in the UK may also have had their fingers on the pulse regarding the early anime releases over here (confusingly on the Manga label.) As such gamers of the era may have seen heads exploding in the post apocalyptic anime with Kenshiro as many times as they have seen Akira. The sheer scale of some of the opponents has been well represented as has their varied appearances and a suitable amount of special techniques dished out to each combatant.
Super Famicom
Worthy of purchase for the box artwork alone if it weren’t for the well designed mecha waiting their turn to attack each other inside. A lesson in strategy combat titles thats truly absorbing and well worthy of the Squaresoft label. Praise due to the Cybernator creator Toshio Tsuchida’s work on the mecha design.
Super Famicom
Worthy of purchase for the box artwork alone if it weren’t for the well designed mecha waiting their turn to attack each other inside. A lesson in strategy combat titles thats truly absorbing and well worthy of the Squaresoft label. Praise due to the Cybernator creator Toshio Tsuchida’s work on the mecha design.
Super Famicom
Played with classic Japanese game humour as you charge around with your oversized head armed with an upgradable mallet – so what explained by your carpenter occupation. Also features a level where you drive through the town on a moped which is a real scream. Also known as Hammerin Harry.
Super Famicom
The first title to make it to the West and with the original being so full of Eastern promise plenty survived the cut. But here in its unadulterated Japanese form the true genius behind the Goemon series shines brightly drawing in many a gamer moth into its fun filled villages to gamble, eat, rest even have a blast on Gradius. Its enough just to try and take it all in – festival masks, ninja cats, the village drunk, the fisherman rushing through town with his catch, not forgetting Ohana chan in her kimono. Also known as the Legend of the Mystical Ninja.
Super Famicom
Full of the characteristic humour that has made Goemon one gaming character to get those who savour their retro gaming with an Eastern infusion misty eyed. Clever use of mode 7 in the Goemon mecha battles as was de rigueur with a top SFC title. A tuneful, traditional Japanese soundtrack bodes well with the warm feel to the towns and their friendly folk. Slightly more cerebral than previous installments with the townsfolk yielding important assistance at times. But its the tactical switching of characters that is most intriguing: be it for Ebisumaru’s ability to shrink, Sasuke’s powerful ball destroying bombs or Yae’s swimming ability. Goemon of course remains the good all-rounder.
Super Famicom
Action orientated title with Goemon landing on a planet where he is worshipped like a god. Some small puzzle elements including a mini game on the Puyo Puyo style Taisen dama. Goemon at its craziest best, pure genius. Subtitled The Reason Why I Became A Dancer.
Super Famicom
Fun packed final instalment as bad boy Ackman scraps his way through the platform levels with plenty of imaginative and colourful enemies reminiscent of PC Kid on the Engine. Does contain some Japanese language story, but not really essential to gameplay.
Super Famicom
Isometric battle simulation allowing Bandai to treat fans of the mecha soap opera to some fine graphical trickery with nice animation and dramatic cut scenes. Genki only holds a basic grasp of the long running saga, but what’s clear is a fine battle simulation with plenty of polish.
Super Famicom
Side scrolling platform shoot ’em up with giant sprites and a rich colour palette as players pilot a mech against a legion of cannon fodder. Often the action comes down to a battle with a single mech at a time and the shields and ability to fly come in handy at out manoeuvring a tricky opponent. Tasty cut scenes build up the tension and the standard of presentation is high.
Super Famicom
A take on the mighty Contra licence this time with mech style power suits and massive adversaries to test the mode 7 to the limits. Tough like Konami’s opus with one hit kills, yet some supreme weaponry soon gets players in the necessary gung-ho spirits. A few tactically placed vehicles also helps – its always a joy to tear through enemy lines in motorised marauding machine. As does the two player mode with a bit of teamwork.
Super Famicom
Square unleashed in a fun filled Japanese cultural style RPG from the golden age of the Super Famicom RPG’s. Plenty of wacky characters of ‘Goemon’ proportions and self references to other Square franchises as the lighter side to Final Fantasy’s creators comes to the fore.
Super Famicom
Pick up and play arcade mechanics with over the top celebrations and atmospherics make for a fun football fest from an era where shoot, pass and tackle were enough buttons to get stuck in and whip it in the mixer.
Super Famicom
Featuring a temperamental ace striker on each world team each with their own attributes and awareness of their own importance. Plays a slick passing game with nice arcade mechanics. Known in the West as Football Champ.
Super Famicom
A nice discovery in a tennis game that makes players destroy opponents blocks on their side of the court in a Break-Out style. An array of players from our hero dog with mallet for a racket, to dog with bone for a racket and even a girl with a racket. Some strange locales as well that may not get approved by the LTS such as the haunted arena. Full title: Heisei Inu Monogatari Bow Pop N Smash.
Super Famicom
Players observe Pacman going about his daily routine and must help him by firing a catapult to prevent, for example, a cat pinching his hot-dog or the toilet door whacking him in the face. Good, clean fun.
Super Famicom
Cheery chip tunes to get you in the relaxing mood for a round of eighteen holes seeking the elusive eagle, dodging the bunkers and keeping on the leader board in this highly accomplished golf game from the cult, crack unit HAL Laboratory.
Super Famicom
Well-respected Super Famicom title that has stood the test of time due to its massive slant on action in the RPG dungeon arena. Players control an orb and use it to fire at the hordes hidden in the dank depths or to break through the ice blocks to progress. Excellent boss battles ensue – ones to savour for those that don’t mind taking down the big fish, or dragon or two. Known as Firestriker in the West.
Super Famicom
Protect the house from the burglars trying to pilfer what they can by getting there first and using a bit of well directed force in this video game stake of the huge Hollywood smash. Kevin leaps around the house with plenty of well placed platforms to obtain hard to reach items.
Super Famicom
Live the F1 dream in this popular Super Famicom split screen racer with appropriately noisy engine effects. An early release and much coverted by the early adopters of the SFC at the time.
Super Famicom
Suitably whiny engines and break neck speeds exploiting Mode 7 like the manufacturers make the most of their cars. Classic old school racing with the simpler pick up and play mechanics many pine for.
Super Famicom
Mode 7 made for such a game with the engine revs blaring out. Effortlessly copes with the split screen multiplayer too – impressive results putting the hardware top of the podium.
Super Famicom
Incredibly off beat and to be applauded for it making Mother 2 look very straight laced, middle America. The inventory system places value on clothing as opposed to amour and the modern world setting in itself makes for an unusual approach compared to the more common fantasy theme. Very tidy screen representation of the gaming world with a distinctly Japanese feel to the game. Subtitled Day of the Idea.
Super Famicom
Comforting nineties feel to the tennis with the simplistic graphical set up making in far more playable that representations of the sport that swoop around more than the hawk scaring off seagulls at Wimbledon.

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