Super Famicom

Here we have all the games in the Super Famicom Section.
Super Famicom
Well suited to the 16Bit format, Mickey once again comes up a winner in this assuringly familiar platform adventure. Gas is used to fill balloons to travel up to seemingly out of reach platforms or get a gulp of air quickly out the sea with water being used to put out fires. Ice levels, water based worlds and lashings of Disney magic as treasure chests come alive and walk off. Nice bosses and dramatic sound effects in a highly endearing platform escapade.
Super Famicom
Combat simulation with more missiles than a rogue state where players set up their defences and then send in the mechas for some nice action sequences. Plenty of appropriate military pomp to the music. Known as Metal Marines in the West.
Super Famicom
A board game with plenty going off in the meantime as players move round the board to be suddenly part of an indoor long jump challenge or part of a wacky game show. Some superb mini games, if you can cope with whatever cultural baggage you may be carrying into them. The board is also well represented in isometric form with some finely drawn characters full of expression.
Super Famicom
Platform title based in feudal Japan with luscious period setting graphics setting the moody tone nicely for supernatural adversaries that draw on Japanese folklore and mythology. Armed with a trusty spear Imoto is charged with rescuing Shizuka with some kind assistance from the deities in the form of power ups. Full Japanese title ‘Kousoushinrai Densetsu Musha.’
Super Famicom
European style fantasy RPG with sprites and attention to detail befitting of the most enchanting of European pageantry. Enix was the main rival to Square in these heady sixteen bit RPG days and games such as Mystic Ark show the talent of the team in this exquisite expedition.
Super Famicom
Plenty of thrills and oil spills in this overhead F1 treat backed by legendary racer Nakajima. Rev heads will rejoice at the fast paced action. Popular on the Mega Drive too.
Super Famicom
The triple A presentation you might expect from a Namcot sports title with twinkle eyed caddy to lead you by the hand through the club choices. The gaming engine is very smooth too making it a pleasure to stroll the fairways, almost feeling the sun on your back with the birds tweeting away.
Super Famicom
Stands on a podium (probably a bamboo pole) above its many platform peers on the SFC. A kung fu style hero battles all manner of Japanese folklore with one legged umbrella and Dharma dolls rolling around. The levels are very atmospheric with a blend of Kyoto temples and urban skyscrapers with some lovely Mode 7 and parallax effects. Clever, compact programming and a host of imaginative characters and the ability to level up as players defeat enemies. Bravo!
Super Famicom
One on One Beat Em Up
Natsuki is a dedicated martial artist and member of the school karate club. Unfortunately with her passion reserved for fighting she ends up coming to blows with most of the male students in the school. Based on the smash manga with more speed lines than a shinkansen, opponents are all keen martial artists themselves and skilled in judo, Thai kick boxing, taekwondo and Okinawan karate. Lucily motorbike rider and expert wrestler Rina is a friend of Natsuki’s.
Super Famicom
Martime based RPG in the classic Super Famicom mould. The sea setting makes for anice change over the fantasy based realms and the sprites are lovingly realised. Our hero Duke must build his way up from lowly shipmate to take charge of his and the countrys destiny with plenty of pirate distractions on the way. Beautiful action RPG in that distinctive 16Bit graphical style with detailed and adorable sprite based world full of character. Borrows the hook shot from Zelda with lots of secret areas too. A little short compared to Zelda, but quality not quantity is the result.
Super Famicom
Captures the razzle and dazzle of the lycra loving sport as players stroll out before the adoring crowds and plenty of dry ice before transforming in a flash into their wresting costumes. Good mix of grapplers with WWF like fighters, Mexican style masked participants and the Japanese fighters. Tag team bouts are a real riotous rout.
Super Famicom
Based on the antics of the TV anime series jammed packed with ninjas and kunoichi, or female ninjas. Genki is a sucker for any ninja game, especially in the colourful SFC style. The setting of the anime is in a ninja school where you train to become a fully fledged assassin, but not without a few mishaps on the way.
Super Famicom
Based on the antics of the TV anime series jammed packed with ninjas and kunoichi, or female ninjas. Genki is a sucker for any ninja game, especially in the colourful SFC style. The setting of the anime is in a ninja school where you train to become a fully fledged assassin, but not without a few mishaps on the way.
Super Famicom
Based on the antics of the TV anime series jammed packed with ninjas and kunoichi, or female ninjas. Genki is a sucker for any ninja game, especially in the colourful SFC style. The setting of the anime is in a ninja school where you train to become a fully fledged assassin, but not without a few mishaps on the way.
Super Famicom
Matching up the blocks of different colours and designs with the superb styling of ninja family Nintama. The characterisation adds much to the melee and plenty of colour to proceedings.
Super Famicom
Cracking Irem platform fun in their tie honoured tradition that sees our hero utilise his punk mohican hairstyle well in detaching it to use like a shuriken when the appropriate spray power up has been located. Bounding between cars as bald headed bad guys fire off volleys on machine guns in this pure, platform frolic.
Super Famicom
Nontan is a children’s book in Japan and Game Freak have kept it colourful with simple icons of frogs, fish and apples that need pairing up to clear your screen. Simple and innocent hiding devilish gameplay. Quite a collectable.
Super Famicom
Okamoto san pulls out a blinder in this officially licensed update and congratulations must go for being able to bridge the generations from Master System to Super Famicom in her releases. Realistic approach and plenty of Hawaiian sunshine.
Super Famicom
The FMV of the title stands for Frontier Martial-arts Wrestling a Japanese predecessor to the like of K1. Four of the crew are taken from the FMW line up, the rest of the roster is made up from a motley crew of punch bags for the real wrestlers to go to town on. Background interactions add an element of the unknown into the sweaty equation, such as when random explosions put paid to plans of executing a clothes line. Nice selection of moves to be executed by the joypad dexterous.
Super Famicom
Cast a few lines off your boat with newly acquired tackle from the shop and the screen cleverly splits to the above and under surface views. Patience and good tactics are a requisite but the lovely water flowing effect and the chance of bagging a big bass will appeal to the fisherman in all of us.
Super Famicom
Pac Man is nicely rendered in 3D form as he romps around the levels collecting Pac pills. His versatility comes to the fore as he swings around levels and swims to the depths to get that hidden pill.
Super Famicom
Visit the slot machine and pachinko parlours of Japan under the master guidance of the king of spin Sammy. Genki wont be held responsible for anyone developing a pachinko habit and hanging around outside parlours exchanging prizes for cash.
Super Famicom
Panel de Pon is also known as Puzzle League. Lines must be matched up but blocks can only be shifted horizontally to clear the on screen action. Liften head and shoulders above the competition by Nintendo’s exceptional presentation.
Super Famicom
Nakayoshi means a friend, and as such players are paired up and must manoeuvre their partner round the one screen room avoiding trouble. Smashing blocks reveal the necessary power ups to clear the area, but enemies are also freed by the need to clear the blocks. Builds up to some quite demanding levels in terms of thought and reflexes and blends the two well.
Super Famicom
A gaming parlour simulator with a pachinko game based on the theme of Horse Heaven and a slot machine simulator where three of the lucky seven hits the jackpot. Seven is nana in Japanese, so this part of the game is known as Nanasy (a pun on the Japanese pronunciation of Nancy?) A popular series with seven instalments.
Super Famicom
A Bit Special
A Super Famicom classic, no mistake. Amazingly recreates the feel of flying through the sky be it on the rocket belt or gyrocopter flying through hoops or chasing the thermals to stay up in the air. Tough, but any mistakes are always your own fault. Some great bonus levels too. Packed full of ideas – a breath of fresh air to the games industry.
Super Famicom
Colourful, innocent platforming romp from the rink dink panther. Nice pacing and theme to the levels with plenty of power ups and comic twists to keep interest.
Super Famicom
Although the SFC was always blessed with an abundance of fine platformers, this tidy Capcom title has plenty to commend it to anyone’s collection with fluid control and great variety in levels including a remarkable balloon flight besides the obligatory underwater sections.
Super Famicom
Shoot Em Up
Very desirable and highly colourful, saccharine sweet vertical scroller from the ripe old vintage year of 1993. Nice to be reminded of the sunny side of gaming with the release of so many gangster games.
Super Famicom
Shoot Em Up
Very desirable and highly colourful, saccharine sweet vertical scroller from the ripe old vintage year of 1993. Nice to be reminded of the sunny side of gaming with the release of so many gangster games.

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